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FTTB+LAN工程设计 摘 要 随着社会的进步、信息科技的发展、人类对信息业务的新需求,打破了近百年来一直统治着电信业的铜线用户线的一统天下。在向信息高速公路前进的过程中,FTTB+LAN已经在用户心目中取得了相当的地位。当IP技术日趋成熟、全国各大中城市纷纷开始筹建IP城域网的时候,山东电信在迅速展开建设技术先进、覆盖全市的宽带城域网,其重要的技术基础之一就是FTTB+LAN。简单的说,就是将光纤铺到大楼之后,采用局域网的技术将五类双绞线布放到每用户家中,对用户来讲,并没有增加什么设备只是墙上多了个“插信息座”而已;然而就是这个小小的信息插座,令每个用户可以享用10/100M的带宽,使得宽带网连接千家万户成为现实,通过一根网线上网,打网络电话,看VOD都能轻松实现,随着IP业务的爆炸式增长和我国电信运营市场的转型,无论是传统电信运营商还是新兴运营商,都把建设面向IP业务的电信基础网作为其网络建设重点。接入网承接用户与核心网,是宽带网络建设中非常重要的一环。接入网作为承载业务直接面向用户网络,是体现运营商的用户覆盖率和竞争实力的直接指标,同时也是电信网络的投资重点,从目前看,用户需求的多元化将给众多的接入网技术提供应用的舞台,同时我们也在不断呼唤有更新的接入技术出现,去满足更细分的用户需求,将通信网络的价值更加充分地体现出来。 关键词:FTTB、局域网、城域网、宽带接入网、宽带交换设 Abstract Along with the progress of the society, information technology, and the development of the human business to the new demand for information, broke nearly 100 years of telecommunications have governed the skillfulness copper users line. To the information superhighway forward in the process, FTTB + LAN has made quite the user thinks the position. When IP technology matures, major cities nationwide in succession when begin to prepare IP intracity networks, shandong telecom in rapid spread of advanced technology, covering the city construction, the important of broadband intracity networks is one of basic technology of FTTB + LAN. Say simply, is after the fiber shop to building, the LAN technology will five categories twisted-pair cable cloth to each user will tell to users at home,, and did not increase the what equipment is just a seat insert information; it Yet even this small information socket, making each users can enjoy 10/100M bandwidth, making broadband network connection innumberable families become reality, through a single cable Internet access, play Internet phone, watching VOD is easy to realize, with IP business explosive growth and the transformation of China telecoms operating market, no matter be traditional telecom operators or emerging operators, construction of telecom JiChuWang for IP business as its network construction point. Access to underta


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