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摘 要离心泵的应用是很广泛的,在国民经济的许多部门要用到它。由于离心泵是一种重要的设备,而且它的运转要消耗大量的动力!为了合理,经济的选择和使用水泵以保证水厂供水,就必须对离心泵的工作原理和基本性能等方面有所了解。离心泵在工农业的各领域应用十分广泛,已成为炼油、石油化工、医药、化工等工业中必不可少的设备之一。由于化工生产中的原料、半成品、成品大多数为液体,所以离心泵的使用相当广泛,一旦出现故障往往会影响整个系统的工作,它是保证化工生产正常进行的重要机器之一。本文主要阐述离心泵的构造、安装及维护的相关技术问题,有效的减少生产过程中泵的损坏,从而提高整个生产系统的生产能力,减少企业的损失,提高产品的竞争力。关键词:离心力,汽蚀,结构,性能参数The application of centrifugal pump is broad, many departments of the national economy will use it. Due to the centrifugal pump is a kind of important equipments, and its operation to consume large amounts of power! To rationally, economic choice and use of water supply pump to ensure the waterworks, it needs to be centrifugal pump working principle and basic understanding performance and so on. Centrifugal pump all areas to industry and agriculture, has become widely used oil refining, petroleum chemical industry, medicine, chemical industry one of the indispensable equipment. Because the chemical production of raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products for liquid, so most of the use of the centrifugal pump is quite widespread, once appear, fault tend to affect the entire system work, it is to guarantee the normal chemical production. The important one of machine This paper mainly expounds the centrifugal pump structure, installation and maintenance related technical problems, effectively reduce the production process, so as to improve the pump damage production capacity of the whole production system, reduce the loss, improve product enterprise competitiveness. Keywords: the centrifugal force, cavitation, structure, performance parameters 目 录摘 要IAbstractII引 言1第一章 离心泵的概述21.1离心泵的工作原理21.2离心泵的基本构造21.2.1 叶轮41.2.2泵体51.2.3 泵轴51.2.4 其他构造51.3离心泵的种类71.4 离心泵的主要性能参数8第二章 离心泵的安装与维护112.1离心泵安装高度即吸程选用112.1.1离心泵的关键安装技术112.1.2 离心泵的安装高度Hg计算112.2 离心泵汽蚀即解决方法122.2.1 现象122.2.2 解决方法122.3延长离心泵使用寿命的方法132.3.1离心泵的选择及安装132.3.2离心泵的使用的注意事项142.3.3离心泵的维护152.4 离心泵启动前的准备工作162.4.1离心泵启动前检查162.4.2 离心泵充水172.4.3离心泵暖泵17参考文献18致 谢19引 言我国的离心泵是由50年代仿苏产品开始的,当时仅生产K型单级单吸悬臂式离心清


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