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毕 业 设 计 [论 文] 题目: 轨道转辙机功率传感器设计 系 别: 电气与电子工程系 专 业: 电气工程及其自动化 姓 名: 学 号: 指导教师: 河南城建学院 2010年05月 23日 摘 要 电动转辙机是铁路系统中一种重要的电气信号设备,它的主要作用是改变铁路道岔的开通方向,并反映道岔的状态位置。转辙机的可靠动作对提高铁路运输效率和保证行车安全起着至关重要的作用。随着铁路向电气化和高速化发展,铁道部为确保行车安全,对铁路电务设备的检测与维修提出了更高的要求。作为道岔转换装置,转辙机是实现联锁控制的关键设备,其有功功率和动作电流是考查转辙机电气特性的重要指标。信号微机监测系统是保证行车安全、提高各种设备测量精度、快速准确解决出现的各种问题不可缺少的机制。 本文设计一种应用于工业场合的三相电动机功率在线监测系统。它采用多参数电能采集芯片ATT7022A 来采集和处理数据,以RS-485 实现C8051F410 单片机与PC 机之间的通信,通过采集铁路道岔转辙机启动及工作过程中的电流和功率,实现对工业场合三相电动机故障的在线监测。通过现场实际使用,证明了该装置具有高精度、低功耗、可靠性高,抗干扰能力强等特点。 关键词: 电动转辙机;在线监测;RS-485通信;电磁干扰;铁路信号 Abstract Electric switch machine is a kind of important railway system of electrical signal equipment which main function is to change the direction of railway yard opened, and reflects the state of rail positions. switch machines’s reliability movement plays a vital role in improving railway transportation efficiency and ensuring safety. With the developing of railway electrification and high-speed ,to ensure safety, the ministry of railway ministry inspection and maintenance of the equipment, put forward higher request. Switch mathine is the rail transition device which is the key to realize interlocks controlling equipment.Its active power and current are the important norm for inspecting switch machine’s Electrical characteristics.Signal monitoring system is a indispensable mechanism in which can guarantee safty,and improve various equipment measureing precision,simultaneously,it can solve various problems fastly and accurately. This paper describes the design and implementation of an on-line monitoring system widely used in the railway industry,which can detect three -phase electrical power by collecting the current and the power of railway bifurcated switch throughout itsstartup and working periods. This scheme adopts the multi-parameter energy collecting chip ATT7022A for data collection and processing,and uses the 485bus to implement communication between C8051F410 and PC. And it is


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