
酒店英语 reservation.ppt

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酒店英语 reservation

Company Logo LOGO Company Logo [,rez?vei??n] [m?nd?] [d?semb?] [d??nj?(?)r?] [s?pt?mb?] [wenzd?] [θ?zd?] [twelfθ] [s?ksti?nθ] [s?t?di] Company Logo [,prez?den??l] [tripl] [dil?ks] [?ve?l?b(?)l] [p?sent] [g?r(?)nti?] [k?nf??m] Reservation Company Logo reservation face to face 柜台预定 Telephone (电话预定) Internet (网络订房) Fax (传真订房) * Company Logo Service Procedure服务流程 1. Greet the guest; 2. Ask the guest of the reservation information: 1) The date of arrival and departure; 2)The number of the people; 3)The room type and the number of rooms. 3. Search for the room available in the computer; 4. Get the following information from the guest: 1)The name of the guest or name of the group. 2)The guest’s telephone number. Company Logo Key Sentences 1. Greet the guest Hello Sir/Ma’am, XXX hotel. May I help you? 2. Taking a reservation What type of room do you need/prefer? And how many person will there be in your party? 3. Referring to dates and times For what dates? How many nights do you wish to stay? 4. Accepting or refusing the booking. Let me see if there is a room available. Well. We have…. Company Logo It’s all right for (date )but not (date ) We don’t have any (room type), would you mind having (room type) I am sorry, we are fully booked on those days. Would you change your reservation date? 5.Stating the price It’s…per night. (we will give you …off). 6. Asking guest’s information. May I have your name and your telephone number? How do you spell your last name? Company Logo 7. confirm the details I would like to confirm your reservation. Mr./Ms. XXX, you have booked/reserved …room from…to…, the price is …and your telephone number is…….. Is that right? 8.Thank the Guest Thank you, we looking forward to seeing you. Company Logo For the unguaranteed reservation, we can only hold the room by (time). Because it is the peak season now. If you make the guaranteed reservation, we can hold the room overnight. Would you


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