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教学大纲 上海中医药大学

《组织学实验技术》教学大纲 课程编号:课程名称: Experimental Technology Of Histology 开课:学分:分 学时:本课程总学时为 ,其中课堂讲授,实验。课程:授课对象:考核方式:考试Experimental Technology of Histology is an important course for the basic medical research. The main purpose is to help the students master or be familiar with the basic skills such as tissue sectioning, histochemistry, immunohistochemistry etc., foster the practical abilities for the students and lay down the foundation for the future experimental research. 大纲内容: 一、前言 【目的】【教学要求】教学要求和方法 第章【目的要求】 【教学内容】【教学方式】【】第章【目的要求】 【教学内容】【教学方式】第章【目的要求】【教学内容】【教学方式】【】第章【目的要求】【教学内容】【教学方式】【】第章 【教学方式】【】 2 2 2 2 4 9 7 6 8 11 2 9 8 12 合计 12 30 42 四、大纲使用说明 1.本大纲供七年制中基专业使用,亦适用于其他专业选修或辅修本课程的学生。 2.讲课内容顺序按本大纲安排进行。 3.在教学过程中,主讲教师可根据教学实际,(二级) 学分:6学分 学时:本课程总学时为84学时,其中课堂讲授66学时,实验18学时。 前期课程:人体解剖学、组织胚胎学、生理学、生物化学、微生物学 授课对象:供五年制龙曙岳中医、护理、运动、骨伤、针推本科学生 考核方式:闭卷考试,其中平时成绩和实验成绩共占10%,平时成绩主要通过学生的出勤率和上课纪律进行评定,占总成绩的5%,实验课主要考查学生的实验态度、实验报告,占总成绩的5%。 课程基本要求(或课程简介): 病理学(Pathology)是研究疾病是基础医学与临床医学之间的桥梁学科 The teaching of Pathology consists of a series of images that demonstrate the gross and the microscopic pathologic findings for a variety of disease formation and development. It emphasizes etiology, pathogenesis and tissue changes not only in terms of basic science (e.g., pathologic anatomy, biochemistry, pathophysiology and molecular biology), but also presents clinical relevance (e.g., the symptoms and signs diseases), and explains how diseases affect humans beings socially and psychologically. Possession of the knowledge enables the clinician to analyze the mechanism of production of the symptoms and signs of different disease syndromes. The course of Pathology is composed of General Pathology and Systematic Pathology. In General Pathology, cell adaptations, necrosis, neoplasia, inflammation, vascular, fluid and clotting derangements, and immunologic disease at the cellular and tissue levels are discussed. In Systematic Pathology, focus is on the phenomena at the organ-system level. The subject of Pat


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