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智慧型脈搏監測系統 An Intelligent System for Monitoring Heartbeat Pulse 蔡加春* 賴宥伯 吳俊毅 南華大學資訊工程系 *chun@.tw 摘要 身心健康偵測配備已是現代人健康管理的潮流與趨勢,市面上商品化的配戴裝置也陸續被開發與產出,因此,隨時掌握與監測自身身心狀況的功能,更是每一個人不可忽視的課題。本論文設計了一個智慧型脈搏監測系統,提供更健全的身心狀況自我偵測與防患,此系統功能可偵測脈搏指數,並能使用手機APP依照個人身心狀況設定高、低脈搏指數的警告值與危險值,經由藍芽與手機APP連線。經實測結果,脈搏偵測的精確度平均為88.3%,當脈搏指數超出警告設定值時,如大於100或小於65,可做自我提醒;當脈搏指數超出危險設定值時,如大於120或小於50,能自動對外傳送出緊急通報與處理。 關鍵詞:心跳脈博、感測器、監控、智慧型系統。 Abstract The detected equipment of physical and mental health is necessary for modern people and it is the trend in modern health management. Current, many commercial related products have been developed and issued in markets. Monitoring own physical and mental condition is very important which everyone cannot be ignored. This paper has designed an intelligent system for monitoring heartbeat pulse, providing a more robust detection and hedge against physical and mental condition of self. This system can detect the indexed pulse, and can use the APP to set high warning value and low risk of value index pulse according to personal physical and mental condition, the connection via Bluetooth with the phone APP. After measurement result, the accuracy of pulse detection averaged 88.3%. When the pulse indexed value exceeds the range of warning value, such as larger than 100 or less than 65, the system immediately gives an alarm. Similarly, when the value exceeds the range of danger value, such as larger than 120 or less than 50, the system automatically transmits the emergency notification for treatment. Keywords: Heartbeat pulse, sensor, monitoring, intelligent system. 前言 脈搏[1]為人體最重要的生命體徵之一,正常人的脈搏反映著心跳的情況,並隨著心臟節律性地收縮和舒張,動脈內的壓力隨之升降,由此引起血管壁交互出現一次擴張和回縮的搏動稱之為脈搏。心跳與呼吸一樣,是生命存在的徵象,心跳停止,呼吸也跟著停止,生命即為終止。 現有相關研究[2]對計算出最大心跳率的主要參考公式如下: 1.一般最為人知的計算方式: HRmax = 220 - Age 2.依Londeree 與 Moeschberger: HRmax = 206.3 - (0.711 × Age) 3.依Miller et al : HRmax = 217 - (0.85 × Age) 4.依USA Researchers: × Age) 如年齡為60歲,則上述最大心跳率的計算值分別為160、164、166、167。 根據KingNet國家網路醫院[3]所[4],便能更精準地監控各年齡層的各種運動強度下正常的心跳率值。


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