( 旅游实务英语)Altars and Temples.ppt

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湖南生物机电职业技术学院 向晓制作 湖南生物机电职业技术学院 《旅游实务英语》电子课件 旅游专业英语 坛庙 Altars and temples 1. What were Altars and temples used for in ancient China? Altars and temples were used for worship or memorial purposes in ancient China. 2. Why were Altars and temples called “ritual architectures”? Because some requirements on rites restricted their structure and type in Chinese ancient society. Altars and temples Proverb 1.Situational Dialogue:Travel in Shangdong 2.A Guide Speech: Temple of Confucius 3.Supplementary Reading: Temple of Heaven 4. Culture:Confucius’Ideas about Education 5.Consolidation Dialogue:Travel in Shangdong Shandong province,with another name “Lu”, is an important coastal province in East China.It is located on the lower reaches of the Yellow River,it borders on the Bohai and Yellow seas,and overlooks the Korean Peninsula and the Japan.The province has a total area of 156,ooo square kilometers (about 60,235 square miles)and a total population of over 90 million Some Language Points About Dialogue 1. Jinan is the capital of Shangdong province at the junction of the Beijing-Shanghai and the Qingdao-Jinan railways. 济南是山东省的省会,位于京沪铁路线和青济线的交汇处。 2. Jinan means south of the Ji River. The name has kept even though that river dried up centuries ago. 济南意思是济河之南。济河早在几百年前就干凅了,但名字却流传下来了。 3. Five Sacred Mountains 五岳圣山:东岳泰山(1?532米),位于山东泰安市;西岳华山(1?997米),位于陕西华阴市;南岳衡山(1?512米),位于湖南长沙以南的衡山县;中岳嵩山(1?440米),位于河南登封市。 4. Mountain Tai is located in central Shandong, north of the provincial capital of Jinan, south of the “holy city” of Qufu. 泰山是中国五大圣山之一,是吧? 孔庙、孔林、孔府简介 ??????? 孔庙、孔府和孔林在山东曲阜市,是中国唯一规模最大的集祭祀孔子嫡系后裔的府邸和孔子及其子孙墓地于一起的建筑群,孔子(公元前551~前419年)是中国儒家学说的创始人。他在死后的第二年,他的住宅被改成孔庙。??????? 现存孔庙占地327.5亩,建筑物466间,前后有九进院落,纵向轴线贯穿整座建筑,左右对称,布局严谨,气势宏伟。前三进院落布置导向性建筑物,如门或牌坊。第四进院有一座三重檐的高阁奎文阁,其中藏有历代皇帝赏赐的图书。第七进院落中有“杏坛”,据说是孔子生前讲学处。 ??????? 孔庙的东侧是孔府,是孔子嫡长孙世袭的府第。始建于宋代,经历代不断扩建,形成现在的规模。占地200余亩,有房舍480余间。官衙和住宅建在一起,是一座典型的封建贵族庄园,衙 署大堂用于接受皇帝颁发的圣旨,或处理家族内事务。孔府后院有一座花园,幽雅清新,布局别具匠心,可称园林佳作,



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