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中图法分类号:TP391.7 文献标识码:A 文章编号:110216 文章索引信息: 基于可编程图形管线的大规模流程工厂模型多分辨率绘制方法 周剑1), 唐卫清1,2,3), 朱耀琴1), 夏明2), 黄晓剑3) 1)(南京理工大学计算机科学与技术学院, 南京 210094) 2)(中国科学院计算技术研究所, 北京 100190) 3)(北京中科辅龙计算机技术股份有限公司, 北京 100085) 摘 要:针对流程工厂设计中三维校审的实际需求,提出了基于可编程图形管线的大规模流程工厂模型多分辨率绘制方法。在分析了流程工厂模型特征的基础上,通过基本体元多分辨率模板构建对象的多分辨率模型,并在构建过程中保证低分辨率模型顶点集是高分辨模型顶点集的子集。因此,每个对象只需保存其最高分辨率下的顶点信息及各分辨率下的顶点索引。在此基础上,通过对显存中顶点缓冲、索引缓冲的有效管理,不仅实现了在渲染过程中利用顶点索引的变换完成不同分辨率的切换,还减少了内存与显存的数据交互。实验表明该方法在普通PC机上对具有21M左右面片的流程工厂模型,能够在保证绘制质量的前提下取得31帧/秒的平均帧速,且预处理时间在10秒以内并无需额外硬盘空间。 关键词 :多分辨率模型; 大规模复杂场景; 流程工厂; 可编程图形管线; 三维校审 Multi-Resolution Rendering Approach of Large-Scale Process Plant Models Based on Programmable Graphics Pipeline ZHOU Jian1), TANG Weiqing1,2,3), ZHU Yaoqin1), XIA Ming2), HUANG Xiaojian3) 1) (School of Computer Science and Technology, Nanjing University of Science and Technology, Nanjing, 210094) 2) (Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, 100190) 3) (Beijing Zhongke Fulong Computers Technology Co., LTD, Beijing, 100085) Abstract: To satisfy the actual demands of the 3-d review in the design of process plant, a multi-resolution rendering approach of large-scale process plant models based on programmable graphics pipeline is proposed. Based on the analysis of the characteristics of process plant model, multi-resolution model of the object is constructed according to the multi-resolution templates of the basic voxels. In the generation process of multi-resolution, the proposed approach can ensure that the vertex set of low resolution model is the sub-set of the vertex set of high resolution model. So only the vertex information of its highest resolution mode and some of the vertex indexes need to be saved for every object. On this basis, with the effective management of vertex buffer and index buffer, multi-resolution model transform can be implemented according to the vertex index transform in the rendering process. Also the data exchange between main memory and display me


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