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第42 卷 第 3 期 电力系统保护与控制 Vol.42 No.3 2014 年2 月 1 日 Power System Protection and Control Feb.1, 2014 含大规模风电的电力系统小扰动稳定研究综述 谭 谨,王晓茹,李龙源 (西南交通大学电气工程学院,四川 成都 610031 ) 摘要:针对风电并网对电力系统带来的小扰动稳定性问题,从对小扰动稳定性的影响和风机附加阻尼控制两方面对该领域的 必威体育精装版进展进行了综述。简述了小扰动稳定性的相关概念,介绍了风电机组的类型和模式。将目前的研究方法归纳为两类:基 于确定性方法和概率分析方法,并分析指出了不同类型的风电机组对小扰动稳定性的影响及存在的问题。综合讨论了风机附 加阻尼控制器提高系统阻尼的方法,提出了该领域需进一步开展的工作。 关键词:电力系统;并网风电;小扰动稳定;阻尼控制;电力系统稳定器 A survey on small signal stability analysis of power systems with wind power integration TAN Jin, WANG Xiao-ru, LI Long-yuan (School of Electrical Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu 610031, China) Abstract: This paper reviews the latest development of the impact of the large amount of integrated wind power on small signal stability (SSS) of power systems and the auxiliary control strategies to improve SSS. Firstly, the basic concepts of SSS are illuminated. And different types of the wind turbines and the related modes are introduced. Secondly, the study methods are classified into two categories : determined analysis-based method and probabilistic analysis method. And the impacts of various wind turbines on SSS of power systems are analyzed. Then the auxiliary controllers of wind turbines to improve the damping of power systems are summarized and discussed. Finally, the further work is proposed. This work is supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (No.. Key words:power systems; integrated wind power; small signal stability; damping control; power system stabilizer 中图分类号: TM7 12 文献标识码:A 文章编号: 16


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