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教育类: 建立于1953年的上海外国语学校是一所全日制寄宿学校,它附属于上海外国语大学。 Founded in 1953, Shanghai foreign language school is a full-time boarding school, which is affiliated to Shanghai International Studies University. 自改革开放以来,该地区的领导很重视办学与教育。同时引进了不少刚从大学毕业的年轻人。 Since Chinas adoption of the reform and opening-up policy,leaders of this area have attached great importance to schooling and education. Meanwhile, they have absorbed quite a few young people who have just graduated from colleges and universities. 我们的居住地已经成立一所老年大学。据统计,大约75%的退休教师,医生,工程师发挥余热,做出很大的贡献。这不仅促进了社区工作的发展,而且使居民间关系得益。 A community college for the elderly has been established in our residential area. According to statistics, about 75 percent of the retired teachers, doctors and engineers teach here and have made great contributions, which has not only promoted the development of our community work but also benefited the relationship among the residents. 中国的知识分子特别是年轻的知识分子从改革开放政策中受益非浅。从1978年至今,许多人公费或自费出国深造。近年来,他们中的许多人学成回国并在各自的领域走上了领导岗位。 Chinese intellectuals especially young intellectuals have benefited a lot from Chinas reform and opening-up policy. Started from 1978, many of them went abroad for further studies at the government expense or at their own expense. In recent years, many of them have come back at the completion of their studies and become leaders in their own fields. 大华大学是一所成立于90年代初的民办大学。 10年来,培养了2000多名毕业生正活跃在上海地区各自的领域。 Dahua University is a non-governmental university, which was established in the early 1990s. Over the past ten years, it has cultivated more than 2,000 graduates who are working hard in their own fields in Shanghai. 科教兴国战略是我国的一项基本国策。科技进步是经济发展的关键因素,而教育发展是科技进步的基础。我们相信经济竞争是科技的竞争,也是人才的竞争。 The strategy of developing the country by relying on science and education is one of Chinas basic state policies. Scientific and technological progress is a decisive factor in economy development while Education development is the foundation of scientific and technological progress. We believe that economic competitio


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