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太经典了,在英国生活过的人一定懂~ You know you have been studying abroad in UK when 1. One out of 4 words you hear in the streets is fuck or fucking 2. You have tried the symbol of British food, a breaded piece of fish with fries and they call it fish chips. (自从来了英国,只吃过两次... 实在吃不下去...) 3. You see semi-naked girls in the streets and boys wearing t-shirts with temperatures below zero.(苏格兰人貌似穿的比较多。。。 还是英格兰人猛~!) 4. You are shocked to see that the Uni is closed, city is collapsed and people stranded if streets are covered with more that 5 cm of snow. 5. You have travelled to London just for 1 pound with a fun fare, and you love it. 6. You wake up every morning knowing that its quite unlikely that youre going to see the sun. 7. You drink pints every day and you love them 8. You see people having a pee while they get money from a cash machine. (周六晚上,随处可见随地小便的人...=.=) 9. You realize that dinner time is 6pm 10. You see people drunk in the streets at 8pm. 11. You see old people getting pissed in Potters Wheel (Wetherspoon) 12. You are kicked out of a pub at 11.30 pm (平时的确差不多这个时间出门~) 13. You have learned the difference between pasty and pastry and youve tried a Cornish Pasty. 14. You see people wearing flipflops and shorts even though its raining. 15. Youve said cheers mate more than twice (经典~ 在苏格兰是 Cheers pal...) 16. Youve tried to buy a traditional coffee maker and youve failed. 17. You realize the most important religion is not Christianity but Rugby. (Rugby is huge~!!!) 18. You wonder how people wash their intimate parts without a bidé 19. You wonder why the concept of proper curtains hasnt arrived to this country yet. 20. You hear and say sorry at least 10 times a day. (很有礼貌~喜欢~!) 21. Youve seen naked women on the second (and first, and third...) page of the daily newspapers. ( 英国小报 The Sun!!!! 以第三页全裸女出名) 22. After a failed conversation with someone in the street you wonder whether he/she was speaking in Scottish, Gaelic, Welsh, Cornish, Irish or English. (哈哈小小的一个国家,居然这么多种口音) 23. You


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