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Is this seat taken? 请问这里有人坐吗? Go ahead. 请随便吧 Go right ahead. 当然 Feel free. 不用客气。 Knock yourself out 请便。 Take care 保重 Have you got the time 请问你知道现在几点吗? I’ve got to run 我得走了 Take it easy. 保重 So long. 再见 Stay in touch. 保持联系 Let’s meet up sometime 改天再出来聊聊吧 I have another appointment. 我还有其他的事(我得走了) Nice talking to you. 很高兴和你谈话。 What’s up? 怎么样?(What’s cooking?/What’s going on? / What’s happening?) What’s new? 有什么新闻? I havn’t seen you for ages. 好久不见(Long time no see) I’ve been out of town. 我刚从外地回来。 How is everything with work? 工作还顺利吗? How are things? 一切都好吗? How have you been? 近来还好吗? Uh-huh, got it. 嗯,我知道了 I get it/ I get you. 我知道了 That’s it 就这样 Sorry, I don’t quite follow you. 对不起,我不太懂你的意思 I am not with you 我不懂你的意思 I beg your pardon? 我没听清楚,请你再说一遍好吗? What was that again? 你说什么? One more time, please . 请你再说一遍 Sorry, my English is not so good. 注意:不要说My English is so poor. Cloud you slow down, please? 你可以说慢点吗? Could you speak up a bit, please? 可以请你说大声点吗? Are you with me? / Do you follow me? 你懂我的意思吗? Got it? 懂吗? Am I making sense? 我说的清楚吗? What do you mean by that? 你指的是什么? Oh, I just remembered. 啊,我突然想起来了 Speaking of the Wangs, do you know that they are moving to Singapore? 说到王家,你知道他们要搬到新加坡去吗? While we are on the subject, do you know that they are moving to Singapore? 既然说到这个,你指的他们要搬到新加坡去吗? You got me there. 你问倒我了 How do I address the boss’s wife? 我该怎么样称呼老板的太太? I didn’t get you. 我没听懂 Is that so! 真有这回事! Well, how can I put this? 嗯,这该怎么说呢…….? You don’t have a pen, do you? 请问你有笔吗? Do you have a pen, by any chance? 请问你恰巧有笔吗? Sure, here you go. 当然,拿去吧 I don’t have one with me. 我没有/ No, I am sorry, I don’t actually. 对不起,但是我也没有 I owe you one. 我欠你一份情。 Excuse me for being so blunt, but I think you are not being fair with her. 恕我直言,你这样做对她太不公平了。 Can I interrupt for just a moment? (可以打断一下子吗?) Do you mind if I cut in? (介意我插个话吗) I am with you on that! (我同意你的看法) Here, let me get the door for you. 嘿,我来帮你开门吧 Allow me 请让我来(并随之付诸行动) Do you need a hand with that? 那个呢,是否需要帮忙? Actually I could use s


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