Chapter Three;overall structure of research paper总结归纳.ppt

Chapter Three;overall structure of research paper总结归纳.ppt

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Chapter Three;overall structure of research paper总结归纳.ppt

Chapter Three Writing the Paper(1): Basic Structure of the Research Paper Main Contents I. Types of the research paper II. Structural Features I. Types of the Research Paper 学术论文的结构取决于研究方法和研究领域。Slade 和 Perrin 将论文分为三类: ※一类是基于实证性研究,如观察、问卷调查、访谈或实验数据等(theses based on the collection of empirical data),一般遵循公认的标准结构模式,即一篇论文共由五部分构成:1)引言、2)文献综述、3)研究方法、4)研究结果、5)讨论与结论。 这种提纲结构主要体现的是科学研究的程序。教学法研究的论文多属于这一类。(Refer to the samples) I. Types of the Research Paper ※第二类是基于批判分析和思辨推理的论文(theses based on critical analysis and reasoning)。如,英美文学研究方向的论文应属于这一类。 ※第三类是基于历史资料研究的论文,此类论文也被称为“述而不作”的论文,因为它们要研讨资料,重点是对资料的整理,而不是创造资料。(theses based on historical research)。如,Types of Ambiguity in English. 以上这两类论文没有固定的写作格式,其结构主要取决于作者所掌握资料的性质和数量,提纲所体现的主要是研究的内容。(Refer to the samples) II. Structural Features 1. 三段论式 从体裁而论,学术论文(毕业论文)是议论文的一种(以说服为目的的说明文)。而在议论文的写作中,作者的思路一般是循着提出问题、分析问题、解决问题的顺序展开的,这一思路外化为文章的结构,就形成了序论、本论、结论三大部分,议论文的这种结构形式常被人们称为“三段论式”。“三段论式”是对议论文结构特点的总结,因而也同样适用于学术论文写作,尤其是上述的第二和第三类论文。(请阅读课本的第三章:专题研究与研究方法) II. Structural Features 2. Logical structure A research paper is a tree 无论是哪一类论文,从整体来说,学术论文必须做到条理清楚、逻辑性强、层次分明。为了说明这一点,有人将其结构比做一棵树。 A research paper is a tree A research paper is a tree a. Your thesis or hypothesis forms the trunk of the tree. All of your proof will branch off from this point. b. Your main ideas that support the thesis will be the branches, and c. the examples you give to discuss and explain the main ideas will be the twigs, and d. the details you provide to support the twigs will be the leaves. (This can also be seen from the outline sample I gave you.) A research paper is a tree Twigs: (sub-ideas) 1. Air pollution: a. …(twig 1) supported by leaves (details) b. …(twig 2) supported by leaves (details) 2. Water pollution: a. …(twig 1) supported by leaves (details) b. …(twig 2) supported by leaves (details) 3. …


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