附:英语情景剧剧本 彭彭梦游记.doc

附:英语情景剧剧本 彭彭梦游记.doc

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附:英语情景剧剧本 彭彭梦游记

中国醒了 场景1: 大学学生宿舍 演员:学生A(XXX)、 学生B 旁白: At 11 pm on Sep. 20th, 2009, while most people have fallen to sleep in anticipation and excitement for The Big Parade of Chinese sixy year birthday, two students of Nanjing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine are still working. 现在是09年9月30日晚上11点,即建国60周年大阅兵的前一晚,大部分群众已在期待与兴奋中进入梦乡,而在南京中医药大学的某男生宿舍,两位室友仍在忙碌着。 A:Hey! Boy!come on ! 来,哥们。 B:What’s wrong? 怎么了? A:It has been sixty years since wu built our society.I still remember The Big Parade ten years ago. 明天大阅兵,咱一起看吧,你还记得十年前的那场大阅兵吗? B:Yeah. I remember it was on Friday .I always hate Friday for one day have three assignments to do. It’s so tiring. 是,我记得那时是星期五,我最讨厌星期五,一天布置三天的作业,累死我了。 A:Teachers assign so much homework just because we have seven days off for the National Holiday. 然后国庆时期老师可以一口气布置7天的作业。 B:Seven?七? A:Oh,sorry. Otherwise, seven days are such a long vacation. 额,不好意思。不过国庆可以放长假,7天的悠长假期。 B:Right. Do you have any plans for the holiday? 对了,你这7天打算怎么过啊? A: I am definitely gonna watch the Parade tomorrow. And then ,I will do some shopping, play computer games and, probably do some homework. And our holidays will be end. 明天当然是看大阅兵,后面几天么,逛逛街,打打游戏,做做作业提高一下自身素质,然后,时光就匆匆流逝了。 B:You do homework? 你小子会做作业? A:Of course I do, well..At least Im planning on doing it. 恩,计划是这样的,但是么,会有变化的(类似的英文谚语)。 B:Okay. You’d better sleep early. If you get up too late ,you’ll miss the Big Parade. 那你早点睡吧,不要明天一下子睡到正午,错过了大阅兵。 A:That’s impossible. I won’t miss it anyway. 那怎么可能,绝对不会也不能错过的。 B: He’s the legendary lazy bum?I bet he wont get up on time tomorrow. 额,告诉你们,他可是传说中的睡神,要是我明早不叫他他肯定起不来。 A:。。。。。。snore (鼾声) B: Hey …Hey… Oh, my god. You are asleep already? 嘿。。。。。。嘿。。。。。。XXX。。。天哪,这么快就睡着了。。。。。。 A:snore(鼾声) 旁白:xxx fall asleep with the snore of A .He has a dream that he comes to the Gobi Desert, wearing the work clothes. At the same time he find some people are busy with something. XXX听着迷迷糊糊,很快进入了梦乡。在梦里,他来到了一片戈壁滩,身上穿着件工作服,同时发现身边有一群科研工作者打扮的人,正在忙碌地准备着什么。 场景2:新疆罗布泊 演员:张爱萍 科研者A 科研者B XXX 旁白扮演周总理 科研者A:Ev


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