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, Jou nal of Anhui Ag i. Sci. 2008, 36( 31) : 13795- 13796, 13866 刘月娟 张士敏 1 1 2 杨朝东 , 张 霞 , 向家云 ( 1. , 434025;2. , 445000) [ 目的] 调查三峡库区消落带植物种类群落及分布特点[ 方法] 用路线法, 调查三峡库区秭归太平溪港至巴东楠木园的145~ 156 m 消落带的植物分布[ 结果] 三峡库区消落带植物约16 科27 种, 种类最多的科为禾本科和菊科, 优势种群为狗尾草刺苋芝麻和 狗牙根, 优势植物群落为狗尾草草丛狗尾草+ 刺苋草丛芝麻草丛狗牙根草丛, 主要分布在水位156~ 150 m 消落带这些1 年生草本 植物以种子繁殖或营养繁殖, 为须根系或直根系, 分别分布在地下20 和40 cm 左右土壤中, 对库区消落带表层水土保持发挥重要作用 [ 结论] 该研究为筛选三峡库区消落带植被恢复和水土保持的物种提供了科学依据 三峡库区消落带; 植物群落; 分布特点; 生长繁殖 + S 718.54 2 A 0517- 6611( 2008) 31- 13795- 02 Plant Communities and Distribution Patterns in Riparian Zones of Three Gorge Reservoir Area YANG Chaodonget al ( College of Ho ticultu e and Ga dening, Yangtze Unive sity, Jingzhou, Hubei 434025) Abstract [Objective] The plant species, communities and dist ibution in ipa ian zones of Th ee Go ges ese voi a ea we e investigated. [Method] The plant dist ibution was investigated on the oute f om Taipingxi Zigui to Nanmuyuan Badong within an altitude ange of 145- 156m above sea level in ipa ian zones of Th ee Go ges ese voi a ea. [ Result] The e w e e about 16 families of 27 species, inwhich the most species we e G amineae and Compositae. The dominant species we e Setariaviridis, Amaranthus spinosus, Sesamum indicum and Cynodon dactylon. The advantage plant communitiesw e e Setaria viridis community, Setariaviridis + Amaranthus spinosus community, Sesamum indicum community and Cynodon dactylon community that mainly dis t ibuted w ithin an altitude ange of 156- 150 m above sea level. These annual he baceous plants we e seed o vegetative p opagation that we e tap oot sys tem o fib ous oot systemwhich dist ibuted 20 cm o 40 cm unde the g ound. Root systems played an impo tant ole fo conse vation the su face wate and soil in ipa ian zones of Th ee Go ges ese voi a ea. [ Conclusion] This study p ovided a scientific


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