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2010年07月日雅思A类机经 2010年7月10日 ? Section 1 版本号 场景 题型 ? NEW V10141S1 Post Completion ? 详细说明 ? 讲给朋友寄礼物和邮寄方式。 1-10填空题 1. Canada 2. reading 的group photo 3. bag 4. postcard 放在里面 5. watch 给日本的朋友 6. Auspost 网站名字 7. cheapest 8. 100 是compensation 9. gold 代表颜色 10. 56 总共11.2乘5个人(竟然要用乘法!) ? ? ? ? Section 2 版本号 场景 题型 ? V30081S2 exhibition Multiple Choice /Completion ? 详细说明 ? 关于一个科学中心的介绍 11-16单选题; 11. 博物馆在planning stage的主要作用是: 选A A. research B. conservation C. education 12. This centre and other countries share: 选B A. wildlife species B. professional knowledge C. financial support 13. What is the greatest problem concerning the choice of the site? 选C A. ??? B. not enough water C. Lack of soil 14. What information did the speaker give about the soil? 选A(文中提到有一个很大的设备用来制造soil) A. it’s produced by new methods B. it’s transported a long way here C. it takes a long time to produce 15. The first impression of the soil making machine is its: 选B. size(文中用的词是scale) 16. What does the centre reject as a way to presenting information? 选B A. explanation by its staff B. detailed notice board C. On notes ? 17-20填空题 17. the centre is open except for 2 holidays a year 18. the best time to visit the place is after lunch and before the opening time 19. the centre offers special facilities to the disabled, such as wheelchairs and special buses 20. for children between the age of 5-16 the fee is £4. ? ? ? ? Section 3 版本号 场景 题型 ? V39S3 Sport Completion /Multiple Choice ? 详细说明 ? 讨论运动方面的事情,讨论到足球 21-23选择题; 21.jacie(女生)最近忙什么? 选C A. Studying B. Playing football C. football training 22.steve(男生)说上星期他做了什么? 选B. refereeing a football match 23.steve说in order to do referee need: 选B A.need qualification B. a lot of experience C.18-50 years old ? 24-27填空题; 24.上课的时间:8.00am to 6.00 am 25.intensive class的人数:60,因为20*3 26.男的为什么要参加培训班intensive course:增加Curriculum Vitae / C.V. 新题:为什么选inte


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