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第一部分 消费者理论 1. 当时,加数量税t,画出预算集并写出预算线 预算集: 2. 如果同样多的钱可以买(4,6)或(12,2),写出预算线。 则有 , 不妨假设,则可解得:。 预算线为 3.(1) (2) (3) 4. 证明:设两条无差异曲线对应的效用分别为,由曲线的单调性假设,若,则实为一条曲线。若,假设两曲线相交,设交点为x,则,可推出,存在矛盾,不可能相交。 5. -5(把一元纸币放在纵轴上)或者-1/5(把一元纸币放在横轴上), 6. 中性商品是指消费者不关心它的多少有无的商品 商品2 如果也是中性商品那么该题就无所谓无差异曲线,也无所谓边际替代率了. 商品2如果不是中性商品: 边际替代率是0(把中性商品放在横轴上)或者(把中性商品放在纵轴上) 7. (1)x1 is indefinitely the substitution of x2, and five units of x1 can bring the same utility as that one unit of x2 can do. With the most simple form of the utility function, , and assume that the prices of those two goods are p1 and p2 respectively and the total wealth of the consumer is m, the problem can be written as ③ Because 5p1=p2, any bundle which satisfies the budget constraint, is the solution of such problem. (2) A cup of coffee is absolutely the complement of two spoons of sugar. Let x1 and x2 represent these two kinds of goods, then we can write the utility function as The problem of the consumer is Any solution should satisfies the rule that , and the budget constraint. So replace x1 with (1/2)(x2) in the budget constraint and we can get , and . 8. (1) Because the preference is Cobb-Douglas utility, we can simplify the computation by the formula that the standardized parameter of one commodity means its share of total expenditure. So directly, the answer is , .(详细方法见8(2)) . (2)库恩-塔克定理。 Max f(x) s.t (x) 0 (i=1…n) 定义:L= 最优性条件为: F.O.C : ; (x) 0; ; 互补松弛条件:;如果=0,则 0。如果 0,则=0。 例 Max = s.t ,. (注意这里的预算条件与定理的符号相反,从而下面有) F.o.c ① ② ,, ③ 互补松弛条件:=0 ④ =0 ⑤ =0 ⑥ 由②知:0 ,所以由④知: ⑦ Ⅰ。如果0,则=0,所以由⑦有 0,从而=0 再由①有 由② 必须满足0,所以,0 所以当时,, Ⅱ。=0,则0,由①知,所以=0,由因为=0,所以由②知,代入①得,,,因为0,所以0 所以,当时,解为:,。 大家也可以通过预算约束把表示成,然后代入到效用函数中讨论其极值。 9. (1) 商品一的需求函数为: 右图中,红色线为价格提供曲线. 的收入提供曲线,当时,是横轴 当时,是整个第一像限 当时,是纵轴 反需求函数是: 恩格尔曲线:如果那么恩格尔曲线是:


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