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宁波连锁自助火锅店营销策略研究毕业论文 Abstract With the continuous improvement of peoples income, the consumer concept of lifestyle change and leisure time increased, more and more residents choose to eat out, from community residents to the busy office workers, school students of ethnic tensions are tend to go out to solve the food problem. Promoting the process of urbanization, increasing population, often in the middle because of its low level of income or time constraints, also joined the ranks of eating out, food constitutes a large mass of potential customers. Residents of the cost of eating out continues to rise. In recent years, Chinas catering industry has been unprecedented development. Food chain has become the dominant mode of business development. But through all the quot; prosperity quot; scene, we also find the real good run, a great success in the catering business are rare, there are to many even on the market only a short-lived. The reason is the failure of the management course is one of them, but the marketing is in place is still an important factor can not be ignored. This self-service hot pot restaurant chain by Ningbo marketing strategy research, describes the current chain catering enterprises in Ningbo status of the marketing strategy. Ningbo chain catering enterprises described in the marketing process and the performance of the main problems and proposed on this basis, Ningbo chain catering enterprises to adapt to the current marketing strategy. Keywords: chain; marketing strategy; catering industry 目 录 1 绪论 1 1.1 研究背景 1 1.2 研究目的 1 1.3 研究意义 1 2 概述 2 2.1 营销的涵义 2 2.2 营销的作用与意义 2 3 宁波连锁自助火锅店的营销策略现状 3 3.1宁波连锁自助火锅店的营销结果 3 3.2 宁波连锁自助火锅店营销措施 5 3.3 宁波连锁自助火锅店营销策略方面存在的问题分析 11 3.3.1 宁波连锁自助火锅店员工培训不到位 11 3.3.2 宁波连锁自助火锅店营销费用不足 12 4 宁波连锁自助火锅店实施有效营销策略的建议 14 4.1 宁波连锁自助火锅店应增强员工服务意识 14 4.2 连锁自助火锅店应加强现代化营销 16 4.3 宁波连锁自助火锅店适当增加员工培训 17 4.4 宁波连锁自助火进一步维护与顾客的关系 18 5 结论 20 参考文献 21 致 谢 22 附录1:调查问卷1 23 附录2:调查问卷2 24 1 绪论 1.1 研究背景 近年来居民收入的不断提高,


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