Alexander McQueen教学讲义.ppt

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Alexander McQueen教学讲义.ppt

《服装大牌分析》 软件A1201 0402120103_王秀名;英国时尚教父;菜 单;▉设计师档案;1991 进入圣·马丁艺术设计学院。获艺术系硕士学位。 1992 自创品牌。 起相继在英国、日本、意大利等国的服装公司工作。 在伦敦的一次时装展中被《Vogue》的著名时装记者lsabellaBlow伊莎贝拉·布罗采访报导,使他从此走上国际舞台。 1994 担任圣·马丁艺术设计学院的裁缝教师。 1996 为法国著名的“纪梵希”(Givenchy)设计室设计成衣系列。 1997 取代约翰.加里亚诺担任Givenchy这法国顶尖品牌的首席设计师。 他设计的“纪梵希’99春/秋时装展”在巴黎时装周上获得一致好评。他在1998年里为影片《泰坦尼克号》的女主角 扮演者凯特温丝莱特设计了她出席奥斯卡颁奖晚会的晚装。 2010 英国当地时间2月11日,Alexander McQueen在伦敦家中自缢身亡 ; 一生中影响至深的两个女人;▉Alexander McQueen;Alexander McQueen;Brand: Mens clothing. Womens clothing. Sports. Sports goods. Jeans. Leather accessories. Accessories. Perfume. Domestic act the role ofing to... .;Brand inheritance: Mr Alexander McQueens death in 2010. Now the brand has MaiKun by Sarah Burton inherited the hindoo design. His bold design and atmospheric clipping. Again the worlds applause for embody the McQueen. Good. McQueen away to belong to his own insist and talent. But Sarah left us the big surprise and gifts. Sarch empire. Are slowly built the brilliant palaces... .; 1994 年春夏的系列依然充满了稚嫩的学生气,但超低腰并且臀后开衩设计的裤子(bumsters)一炮打响,成为他早期的标志性作品之一;Alexander McQueen ;Alexander McQueen; 这件透明打底衫上的花纹设计,是如此的哥特,像是呕吐物的痕迹,又像是在身体蜿蜒流淌的不明物质……让人忍不住惊栗…… 外套的领口高高尖耸,袖口开着高高的衩,露出猩红的内衬.; 1996.10~2001.3,亚历山大·麦昆 (Alexander McQueen) for 纪梵希 (GIVENCHY) 的年代;▏▍▊ Alexander McQueen; ;1999 春夏作品回顾展英国维多利亚与艾伯特博物馆 (Victoria and Albert Museum) 亚历山大·麦昆 (Alexander McQueen) 作品展 ;1999秋冬亚历山大·麦昆 (Alexander McQueen) for 纪梵希 (GIVENCHY) “忽略”(The Overlook) ;Alexander MaiKun works make a lot of people crazy. Smart. Wisdom. Strong. Brave woman. Dont care about their height and fat thin. Is Alexander McQueen design object. He said he not only hope they can wear of his design for the clothing. The more hope they therefore and strong... . In accessories. Alexander McQueen good at design with some very unique tire. Such as animal tau kok. Animal mask, etc.; In the stage of the fashion show design. Alexander McQueen is try to be unique. Put the show chosen in the fountain. Al


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