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DO I :10.13959/j .issn.1003 -2398.2003.02.006 18  2     Vol.18, N o.2     200 3 4              HUMAN GEOGRAPHY               A pr.2003   :100 3—239 8 (200 3)02—0024 —06  , ( ,  7 1006 1) RESEARCH ON THE URBAN HEALTH-SPACE IN FOREIGN COUNTRIES ZHAN G N ing, WA N G Xing-zhong (Institute of Hum an geog rap hy, X i an I nternationa l S tud ies Un iversity , X i an 7 1006 1, Ch ina ) Abstract:Research on urban heal h-space involves medical geography and heal h geography .T he f or- mer pu s emphasis on such fields as geog raphical ecology, geog raphical prevailing fea ures environmen - al disease causes and disease char ing wi h all respec o endemic disease and cancer.China, especially in he research on endemic disease and cancers w hich concern geog raphical and chemical fac o rs, ranks firs in he w orld .T he la er probes in o he rela io n be ween he overall heal h level of he communi y and environmen w i h a view o ex plo ring he source of urban space quali y of living and o he s udy of differen com muni y level of heal h pro ec ion as w ell as o he m anagemen of he communi y .T he foreigner expec high quali y concen ra ion on he urban space of heal h body .They enjoy he leading posi ion in his field af er hey en ered he s age of hig h consump ion becau se heir original concep ions has broken aw ay from he radi ional urban m acroscopical m a erial rela ing o heal h w i h he subs i u - io n of research of communi y, behavior, managing and social economic fac or rela ed o heal h body . T hu s hey give hroug h ex amina ion of he urban heal h care geography .T his paper, on he basis


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