MJ 墓志铭 英语 演讲教材课程.ppt

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MJ 墓志铭 英语 演讲教材课程.ppt

Company name Company slogan here Company name Company slogan here Company name Company slogan here Company name Company slogan here WWW.COMPANYSITE.COM | INFO@COMPANYSITE.COM | +12 34 567 890 | LONG STREET 12345, CITY, COUNTRY Lets talk about IF Y—the first and the last presentation * Please take down the extra words deny (vi/vt.否认 拒绝[d?na?]) legend (cn.传奇[led??nd]) Triumph (n.胜利[tra??mf]) impostor (n.骗子[?mp?st?]) twisted (adj./v 扭曲的/扭动[tw?st?d]) stoop (n./v弯腰[stu:p]) worn-out (adj. 磨破的;穿旧的;不能再用的) sinew (vt. 加强;使牢固[s?nju:]) pitch-and-toss (n. 掷硬币游戏 [pit??nt?s]) heap (n. 堆[hi:p] ) virtue(n.美德[v?:tju?) just think about your future , something you desire or afraid... If you unexpectedly get something,like a gift for physics or a one million pound bank note,you will... If you unexpectedly lose something,like the precious memory of past happiness or the people around you,you will... If ... you will... * or what does IF mean for you? What do you think of IF the first and the last presentation Then, unexpectedly * who will you remind of? If I show you these photos, Does a name or anything more occur to your mind ? the first and the last presentation Today, I am not to show you the achievements of Michael or how he spent his life. Because we cant deny (vi/vt.否认 拒绝[d?na?])that he made the dance legend (cn.传奇[led??nd]) ,the Modern MV legend,the albums (n.专辑 [?lb?m]) legend even the charity legend.That is,the achievements he got are too many to show them all. He said, If you enter this world knowing you are loved and you leave this world knowing the same, then everything between can be dealt with. When he left this world,people showed their loves with him in different ways,besides writing the epitaph (n.墓志铭[ep?tɑ?f])Ill show you. * Michael Jackson the first and the last presentation King of pop IF you can keep your head when all about you are losing theirs and blaming it on you; 如果周围的人毫无理性地向你发难,你仍能镇定自若保持冷静; IF you can


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