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摘要写作 信息的分析、归纳、综合、提炼、概括与组织。 英文的书面表达能力。 避免三种现象: 摘抄原文 片面的理解 重要信息的遗漏 * 考场点睛 ①在开头、结尾段找出中心词,主旨句 ②各段落里找出分论点 ③串联后组织整体结构 ④切忌照抄或逐字翻译 ④切忌引用过细的例子、人名、数字或原话 * 近几年出题和阅卷规律 段落结构清晰。 小标题时有时无。 有小标题 (2008,2012,2013) 无小标题 (2009,2010,2011) 无明显的起始段和结论段。 阅卷更重视语言表达(淡化内容)。 * 近十年医博摘要写作汇总 年份 中文标题 英文标题 2004 入世后看病如何挑医院 How to choose a hospital after joining the WHO? 2005 艾滋病是全世界的威胁 AIDS is the threat to the whole world 2006 走路与健康 Walking and Health 2007 手术与术前恐慌 Operation and Pre-operative Fear 2008 珍爱生命从护心开始 Better Heart, Better Life 2009 水果是否可吃可不吃 Are fruits indispensable or not? 2010 新兴学科:药物心理学 A New Discipline: Medicine Psychology 2011 吃出健康 Better Diet, Better Health 2012 电脑、网络与健康 Computer, Internet and Health 2013 健康处方帮你走出“第三状态” Health Prescription Gets You out of the Third Condition * 健康处方帮你走出“第三状态” Health Prescription Gets You out of the Third State Health Tips Keep You Away from the Third State * 文章要点 第一段:开场白,引出主题 (何为第三状态?) 第二/三段:展开讨论,具体的健康处方 (膳食营养、维他命、心理放松、亲近自然、高质量午睡) 第四段:结尾段 (总结全文) * Key Words 激烈的竞争 fierce competition 情绪低落 low spirits 灰色状态 grey state 均衡营养 balanced nutrition 合理膳食 reasonable diet 不可或缺的营养物质 indispensable nutrients 精力充沛 plenty of energy 事业有成 successful career 心理平衡 psychological balance 午后打盹 (after-lunch) nap * 第一段 引出主题 There is no denying that today’s fierce competition has made it inevitable for us to confront various challenges. As a result, we can hardly work and live with full energy, and tend to experience constant low spirits, fatigue, insomnia, headache and loss of concentration. However, hospitals won’t admit us as a patients. Medical science categorizes/classifies this neither-healthy-nor-ill condition as “grey state” or “third state”. For this common physical problem, medical experts have worked out some simple and useful health prescriptions/tips. * 第二段 展开论述 First and foremost, balanced nutrition and diet is necessary for human body. Daily diet is supposed to include nutrients like sugar, protein, minerals and vitamins. Eating more or less than normal may


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