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编号 毕业设计(论文) 题目 10KV供配电系统二次系统设计 二级学院 电子信息与自动化学院 专 业 电气工程及其自动化 班 级 学生姓名 XXXX 学号 指导教师 职称 副教授 时 间 2014年6月4日 摘 要 随着社会生活水平的提高,日常生活中出现各种新型用电设备。在运行过程中都可能会发生各种各样的故障和异常运行状态,为了确保在保护范围内发生故障,都能有选择性的快速切除故障,需要配置多种继电保护装置,必要时进行多重化配置。配电所作为电力系统的重要组成环节,不仅通过其内部的变压器将各级电压的电网联系起来,实现电压变换、接受和分配电能、控制电能的功能,并且在末端用户与前端变电站之间发挥着桥梁纽带的作用。配电所的正常运行对整个电力系统都是十分重要的,而二次系统能够完成对变电所各环节的实时监测以及控制等功能。因此,一个合理的二次系统设计将是变电所甚至整个电力网络的安全、可靠、稳定运行的保障。 本论文以某10kv配电所二次系统为研究对象,首先对配电系统及其继电保护进行概述,介绍了它的组成结构;其次对系统的继电保护进行设计,包括配电变压器保护和线路保护等,计算出相应电气设备的继电保护值,并对设备灵敏度进行校验;最后对配电所二次回路进行分析总结。 关键词:配电系统; 二次系统; 继电保护; 配电所 Abstract With the development of the social living standards, there are all sorts of new type of electric equipment in daily life. Electrical system possibly will break down various in the movement process and exceptionally the running status. To guarantee that the fault occurs in the extent of protection can be selectively removed fast,we need to dispose many kinds of relay protection installments when the necessity will carry on the multi-densified disposition. The distribution substation is an important component part of the power system, and it links the grid at all voltage levels through its internal transformer, achieves the function such as voltage conversion, acceptance and distribution of electric energy and control energy, and also plays an important role as a linking bridge between users and front-end transformer?substation. The normal operation of the distribution substation is quite important to the entire power system, while the secondary system could complete the function of real-time monitoring and control among its chains. So a reasonable secondary system design is a security to the safe, reliable and stable operation in the substation even the e


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