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作文如何才能得高分? 词汇准确多样 句式复杂有力 用词准确多样 一、准确性 比如在图表类作文当中呢我们会经常表达“…有很大的增长”, 很多同学啊会写成---a big increase.请大家注意big不够准确,我们应当写成 a sharp increase. 平时多注意收集准确、地道、多样的用词,尤其注意收集和使用搭配。当然是从阅读中收集。具体来说,可以收集以下三种搭配。 形容词+名词 如a sharp increase 动词+名词 如make a mistake, commit a crime, commit suicide. 动词+副词 如expand sharply/dramatically 用词准确多样 二、多样性 A. 用同义词替代 例1: A 对 B很重要. 1)A is important to B. 2)A plays an important role/part in B. 3)A is of importance to B. 4)B cannot live/develop/grow/survive without A. 5)A is to B what the foundation is to a skyscraper /water is to fish. 6)A is essential/significant/ crucial/critical /vital to B. 7)The importance of A to B can never be exaggerated/ denied/ ignored. Examples 1.不同国家不同背景的人在不同场合有着不同的观点。 Different people with different personal backgrounds in different countries have different opinions on different occasions. Different people with unlike personal backgrounds in various countries have varying opinions on changed occasions. Examples 2.如今,越来越多的人将越来越多的时间花在了看越来越多的电视节目上. Nowadays,more and more people are spending more and more leisure time watching more and more television programs. 建议改第一个more and more为a rising/ increasing/ growing number of,第二个more and more 为a lion’s share of(最大的份额),最后一组more and more 可以改为:a kaleidoscope of (万花筒一般的)。 小词变成大词 He broke the window in his . 他一怒之下砸碎了窗户。 anger这个词可以改为rage(大怒)或者fury(暴怒),表达就更加丰富了,而阅卷老师也会觉得你用词比较上档次,毕竟rage, fury是大学以上的词汇了。 小词变成大词 Your suitcase is rather heavy, what have you got in it? 你的手提箱很沉,里面都放了些什么啊? heavy在weighty面前就是小儿科了,更不用说ponderous了,意思是“笨重的”。 福利 认为: Think, believe, insist, maintain, assert, conclude, deem, hold, argue, be convinced, be firmly convinced, be fully convinced 优势 : Advantage, merit, virtue, benefit, upside, strength 福利 Good: Positive, favorable, rosy, fair, awesome, promising, perfect, pleasurable, excellent, outstanding, superior, etc. Opinion: Perspective, standpoint Stick: Adhere, cling 句式复杂有力 一.被动优先 We should take effective measures to stop various forms of pollu


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