
5t桥式起重机小车运行机构设计 毕业设计_精品.docx

5t桥式起重机小车运行机构设计 毕业设计_精品.docx

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5t桥式起重机小车运行机构设计 毕业设计_精品

东南大学成贤学院毕业设计报告(论文)诚 信 承 诺本人承诺所呈交的毕业设计报告(论文)及取得的成果是在导师指导下完成,引用他人成果的部分均已列出参考文献。如论文涉及任何知识产权纠纷,本人将承担一切责任。 学生签名: 日期:5T桥式起重机小车运行机构设计摘 要桥式起重机是工业生产中的惯用基础器械,它可以利用大车运行机构和小车运行机构在车间内任意允许位置调配零件,这可以大大缩减人力物力,而且效果明显。日常生活中在车间内搬运大型零件或重型装置,桥式起重机是必不可少的。桥式起重机小车运行机构作用是控制小车在主梁上正反向的停动,它与起升机构一起安装在小车架上,组成部件有减速器、电动机、制动器、主动轮组、从动轮组、传动轴等。本文设计的桥式起重机为室内使用,配备在需要频繁搬运重型零件的车间内,自然条件对它的工作影响相对较小。5T桥式起重机在行业内属于中小型器械,起重机的载荷不高,在设计过程中对部件的选择范围相对较宽。关键词:小车运行机构;桥式起重机;小车架;减速器Design of the 5T Bridge Type Hoist Crane Car Movement OrganizationAbstractBridge crane is commonly used in industrial production as a based instrument, it can use the cart running institutions and car running mechanism deploy any parts ahywhere in the limited workshop to reduce manpower greatly, and the effect is obvious. Bridge crane is necessary to handling large or heavy equipment parts inside the workshop in our life.That is control of the car to move forward and reverse on the bridge girder. Bridge type hoist crane Car movement organization mounted on the small frame with the lifting organization. And it is consisted of reducer, motor, brake, the driving wheel group, the driven wheel group, the transmission shaft and so on. In this paper, the bridge crane is designed for using indoor, and it would be located in the workshop equipped with the need to carry the heavy parts frequently, because of that the natural condition has an relatively small influence on its work. 5T type bridge crane is belong to the small and medium-sized equipment in the industry, crane load is not so high, that the range of the selection of parts is relatively wide in this design.Keywords:Car Movement Organization; Bridge Type Hoist; Small Frame; Reducer目 录摘 要IAbstractII第一章 引 言11.1 起重机的定义11.2 起重机的工作原理11.2.1 驱动装置11.2.2机构组成21.2.3 起升取物装置21.3 国内外起重机发展状况2第二章 桥式起重机的介绍32.1组成和特点32.2 桥式起重机的分类32.2.1 通用桥式起重机32.2.2 专用桥式起重机32.2.3 电动葫芦型桥式起重机42.3小车42.3.1 起升机构52.3.2 小车架52.3.3小车运行机构52.3.4 安全装置62.4 本次毕业设计中的内容72.4.1主要参数72.4.2结构特点8第三章 小车运行机构及小车架93.1小车运行机构设计分析93.2确定传动方案93.3 桥式起重机小车架


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