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纺织品与服装测试项目 A 色牢度试验项目 COLOUR FASTNESS TESTS 皂洗牢度 washing 摩擦牢度 rubbing/crocking 汗渍牢度 perspiration 干洗牢度 drycleaning 光照牢度 light 水渍牢度 water 氯漂白 chlorine bleach spotting 非氯漂白 non-chlorine bleach 漂白 bleaching 实际洗涤(水洗一次) actual laundering (one wash) 氯化水 chlorinated water 含氯泳池水 chlorinated pool water 海水 sea-water 酸斑 acid spotting 碱斑 alkaline spotting 水斑 water spotting 有机溶剂 organic solvent 煮呢 potting 湿态光牢度 wet light 染料转移 dye transfer 热(干态) dry heat 热压 hot pressing 印花牢度 print durability 臭氧 ozone 烟熏 burnt gas fumes 由酚类引起的黄化 phenolic yellowing 唾液及汗液 saliva and perspiration B 尺寸稳定性(缩水率)及有关试验项目(织物和成衣) DIMENSIONAL STABILITY (SHRINKAGE) AND RELATED TESTS (FABRIC GARMENT) 皂洗尺寸稳定性 dimensional stability to washing (washing shrinkage) 洗涤/手洗后的外观 appearance after laundering / hand wash 热尺寸稳定性 dimensional stability to heating 熨烫后外观 appearance after ironing 商业干洗稳定性 dimensional stability to commercial drycleaning (drycleaning shrinkage) 商业干洗后外观(外观保持性) appearance after commercial drycleaning (appearance retention) 蒸汽尺寸稳定性 dimensional stability to steaming 松弛及毡化 dimensional stabilty to relaxation and felting 缝纫线形稳定性 dimensional stability for sewing thread C 强力试验项目 STRENGTH TESTS 拉伸强力 tensile strength 撕破强力 tear strength 顶破强力 bursting strength 接缝性能 seam properties 双层织物的结合强力 bonding strength of laminated fabric 涂层织物的粘合强力 adhesion strength of coated fabric 单纱强力 single thread strength 缕纱强力 lea strength 钩接强力 loop strength 纤维和纱的韧性 tenacity of fibres and yarn D 织物机构测试项目 FABRIC CONSTRUCTION TESTS 织物密度(机织物) threads per unit length (woven fabric construction) 织物密度(针织物) stitch density (knittted fabric) 纱线支数 counts of yarn 纱线纤度(原样) denier counts as received 织物幅宽 fabric width 织物克重 fabric weight 针织物线圈长度 loop length of knitted fabric 纱线卷曲或织缩率 crimp or take-up of yarn 割绒种类 type of cut pile 织造种类 type of weave 梭织物纬向歪斜度 distortion in bowed and skewed fabrics (report as received and after one wash) 圈长比 terry to ground ratio 织物厚度 fabric thickness


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