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满族文化——Manchu culture 参考文献 旧称满洲族,中国少数民族。满族历史悠久,据推测最早可以追溯到7000年前的肃慎新开流文化和茶啊冲文化时期。[1-2] 肃慎、挹娄、勿吉、靺鞨、渤海、女真,是现代满族一脉相承的祖先。黑水靺鞨是满族的直系祖先,后发展为女真。满族是惟一在中国历史上曾两度建立过中原王朝的少数民族。 Formerly known as Manchuria Group, Chinas ethnic minorities. Manchu historic presumably it can be traced back 7,000 years ago to open stream Sushen culture and tea ah impulse culture period. [1-2] Sushen, pour Lou, Wuji, Mohe, the Bohai Sea, Jurchen, Manchu same strain of modern ancestors. Heishui Mohe Manchu direct ancestor, after the development of the Jurchen. Man is the only twice in the history of China has been established minority Central Plains. 人口分布 根据2010年第六次全国人口普查显示,满族的人口数量约为1005万人。其中辽宁有满族533.6895万人,河北有满族211.8711万人,吉林有满族110万人,黑龙江有满族74.8020万人,北京、内蒙古等地的满族人口均在30万以上,100万以下;河南、天津等17个省级行政区满族人口均在1万以上,10万人以下;安徽、福建等8个省级行政区满族人口均在千人以上,万人以下;西藏自治区有718人 1、颁金节:是满族“族庆”之日。1635年农历10月13日,皇太极发布谕旨,正式改族名“女真”为“满洲”,这标志着一个新的民族共同体形成。1989年10月,在丹东“首届满族文化学术研讨会”上,正式把每年的12月3日定为“颁金节”。各地满族同胞在农历十月十三日满族命名日自发地举行纪念活动,以示纪念满族的诞生。 population distribution According to the 2010 sixth national census shows that the number of Manchu population of about 1041.0585 million. Wherein Liaoning Manchu 533.6895 million people, Hebei Manchu 211.8711 million people, 1.1 million Manchu Jilin, Heilongjiang, Manchu 74.8020 million people, Beijing, Inner Mongolia, Manchu population was more than 300,000, 1 million or less; Henan, Tianjin and other 17 provincial-level administrative regions Manchu population were more than 10,000, 100,000 or less; Anhui, Fujian and other eight provincial-level administrative regions Manchu population were more than a thousand, million or less; 1 TAR 718 people, festival awarded gold : Manchu family celebration of the day. 1635 Lunar October 13, Taiji released decree, officially changed the family name Jurchen to Manchuria, which marks the formation of a new national community. October 1989, in Dandong, the first Manchu culture Conference, officially the annual December 3 as the festival awarded gold. Manchu compatrio



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