The Indelible Nature of Goodness—Review of Oliver Twist 英语专业毕业论文_精品.doc

The Indelible Nature of Goodness—Review of Oliver Twist 英语专业毕业论文_精品.doc

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The Indelible Nature of Goodness—Review of Oliver Twist 英语专业毕业论文_精品

The Indelible Nature of Goodness —Review of Oliver Twist Abstract Charles Dickens is one of the greatest critical realist writers of Victorian Age. Particularly, he is good at describing the life and conditions in mid-nineteenth century London. In his early works, Dickens emphasizes his belief of goodness. Oliver Twist is one of such works. The great of Dickens lies in the fact that he creates several vivid and lively characters of different personalities. But the most well-known and successful thing is that he created the typical and symbolic characters, such as the good and honest Oliver, he is born a person of morality who know how to thank others for their helps,He is in a vicious environment, but he never changes his innocence and virtue; as for the character of Nancy is of the quality of kindness which is reflected on her evil, the most complex character Nancy fell into the hands of thieves’ den for the living and the persistent love affair, but she own has the tendency to become a kind-hearted person. All these characters make a strong impression on the readers. This paper attempts to analyze the different personalities of these characters and deeply research the intentions of creating these characters. Finally, the author indicates that the kindness is the indispensable part of the human nature, and only a person is consistently kind can he gain the happiness. Key words: Oliver Twist; goodness; character; Nancy 内容摘要查尔斯狄更斯是维多利亚时期最伟大的现实主义批判小说家之一,尤其善于描写十九世纪中期伦敦中下层人民的生活。在早期的作品中,狄更斯强调了对善的信任。《雾都孤儿》就是其中之一。狄更斯的伟大之处在于他在这本小说中创作了不同性格的人物,刻画得栩栩如生,形象逼真。但是最成功之处还是在于他刻画的善良的主人公奥立弗,邪恶中透着善良的女贼南茜。主人公奥列佛是善良的化身天生就是一个有道德的人,懂得知恩图报,他处在黑暗、邪恶的环境中,却始终没有改变纯洁、善良的本性。南茜因为生活所迫和对爱情的执着,使她堕入贼窟,而南希虽然深受不良环境的毒害,曾一度变得堕落,但是她的内心深处却一直保留着善良的本性,这也正是她牺牲自己保护奥列佛的原因她本人却有着向善的心。本文旨在分析这些人物的性格,深入挖掘作者的创作意图,最后得出善良是人性中不可或缺的一部分。只有始终如一的坚持善良的品性,才能得到幸福。关键词:善良?南希 Contents Abstract (English)……………………………………………………………………i Abstract (Chinese)……………………………………………………………………ii 1. Introduction………………………………………….…………………………1 2. The c


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