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800个有趣句子帮你记忆7000个单词(完整修正版)-5 第1期  第2期  第3期  第4期 401. The beloved novelist put her lovely gloves above the stove. 敬爱的小说家把她美丽的手套放在火炉上方。 402. Its proved that the approver improved waterproof roof. 经证实,赞同者改善了防水屋顶。 403. In the reaction, the fraction acts as an agent. 在反应中,这些碎片起一种媒剂的作用。 404. Actually the actor and actress reacted actively to the activity. 实际上男演员和女演员对这个活动作出了积极的反应。 405. In the racial horse-race, the white racers race-horse won. 在种族赛马运动中,白人赛手的马获胜。 406. I feel a trace of disgrace for the gracious mans embracing her bracelet. 我对仁慈男子拥抱她的手镯感到一丝耻辱。 407. The preface is written on the surface of the furnace that faces the space facilities. 序言写在面对太空设施的火炉表面。 408. In fact, some factors are unsatisfactory to the factory,the dissatisfied manager said. “事实上有些因素对工厂来说是不满意的。”不满的经理说。 409. The manufacturer manually manufactured many machines for the manufactory. 制造商为工厂手工制造了很多机器。 410. The exact contact with practice has practical impact on me. 同实践的密切接触对我有实际的影响。 411. To make the contract attractive, the contractor subtracted a tractor from it. 为了使合同有吸引力,承包商从中减去了一台拖拉机。 412. In this chapter, the capture characterized the characteristics of the characters. 俘虏在本章描述了字符的特性。 413. The captive captivated by the apt adaptation rapped the cavity with rapture. 被灵巧的改编迷住了的被捕者着迷地敲打空腔。 414. Im in charge of discharging a large amount of charcoal and coal at the coal mine. 我负责在煤矿卸一大堆木炭和煤。 415. With shortcomings overcome, the outcome become welcome. 随着缺点被克服,结果变得受欢迎。 416. At the station the statesman hesitates to state the status of the statue. 在车站政治家不愿陈述雕像的状况。 417. The limitation on the imitations is preliminarily eliminated. 对模仿的限制初步被消除。 418. The unconventional convention put many people to inconvenience. 那个不合惯例的大会使很多人感到不便。 419. The ventilator inventors adventure prevented him from venturing revenge. 通风机发明家的奇遇阻止了他冒险复仇。 420. Even the evening event couldnt eventually spoil the joy of the New Years Eve. 即便是傍晚的事件最终也无损除夕的欢乐。 421. After an explosion the explorer restored the sto


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