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人物行为与动画角色表演之对应研究????????????????? ——《小小》 摘 要:行为是指人在主客观因素影响下而产生的外部活动,是一个整体的行动过程。 行为会受到人的意识的影响。人的意识的形成会受到周围环境的影响。环境因素包括来自自然的因素,也有来自人为的因素。人的意识会受其周围的人群的影响。这种影响在人的成长过程中占很大的比例。周围人群对某件事物的看法以及采取的手法会直接或间接的影响到人的心理。心理的压抑或负面会在日常生活中以行为的方式直接或间接的表达出来。 我选择《人物行为与动画角色表演之对应研究》这个课题,希望能运用动画中的表现手段来描绘一个缺少关爱的备受歧视的残疾儿童的行为方式,加强人们对残疾人的关注,给与他们应有的关心和爱护。 关键词: 人物行为,动画角色,心理 ? Abstract Action is taken to the subjective and objective factors influence of external, is an overall course of action. Behavior will receive the peoples consciousness. mans consciousness of being the influences around us. environmental factors include natural factors, from the human factor. human consciousness may be the crowd. the impact of in the process of development of a large proportion. the crowd for a thing of the view taken by the way and be directly or indirectly impact on peoples psychology.???????????????????????????? I the choice of characters to the corresponding characters of research on this subject and hope to use of the animators to describe a lack of care of discrimination for disabled childrens behavior in ways that strengthen the people for the disabled, and they should give attention and nurturing. Key word: Characters, characters, psychological 内容摘要:在视听语言中,除了“视”以外,还有一个非常重要的元素——“听”,即影片的声音。在对短片《Race》的制作中,我一直研究如何通过音效来表现画面的节奏和画面所不能表现的关系,通过从音乐语言、空间纵深、节奏等方面分析音效在短片中对画面、人物、剧情的影响。结果证明了音效对剧情发展的表现相比画面更能带给观众真实感,它在突出动画的感情、加强动画的戏剧性、渲染动画的气氛方面起着特殊的作用。 关键词:音画关系?? 空间感??? 节奏??? Abstract: In the Audio-visual language,except the “audio”,there is another important Element---“voice”,as same as the language of video。I have discussed? music、depth of space、Rhythm and so on from the scene、role、plot。Music on the plot development compared to the performance brought the audience more realistic picture, it highlights the feelings of animation to enhance the dramatic animation, animation rendering of the atmosphere plays a special role. Key words:Pictures relationship?? the performance of depth of filed?? Rhythm 室内设计中的色彩运用 ——回归自然化的


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