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2013年6月英语四级试题答案(1卷) 申明:此答案来源于网友讨论版。   1 machines2.strong3pense?   4.exessay5 faced 6 .physical7.students   8.For another9.their 10.doing more exercise   听力   11.A) theater12.B) struck by 13.C) back home   14.B) conversation 15.C) need to 16.C) other   17.D) lucky18.A)made?   19.C) changes20.D)21.C)23.A)24.A) parks   25.B)26.D)27.C)lose   28.C) holiday29.A) 30.A) think31.A) 32.C) 33.C)34.C)?   35.B)?   36.D)?   37. 38. ) concluded   39. ) daily40. ) around   41. ) married42 receive?   43 floor 44 the ways in which the celebrations are performed are very varied?   45 Experts in computer crime are still investigating the incident.?   46 These viruses spread very quickly on303676080   47Fdesirable   48LUnited   49Nwaiters   50Dsociety   51Bconsidered   52J reassuring?   53Esocial?   54 complex   55?   opportunity   56 stores   深度阅读   57. C Business   58. A. suffers   59. D.virus   60. B from?   61.C. small?   62. C. include?   63. A. things?   64. B. the speaker?   65. A. many details?   66. C. give?   完型二   67 States?   68, off   69, that?   70, no?   71 authority   72,rank?   73, society?   74, following?   75, outline   76 Physical   77,of   78,evidence   79 decreased   80, respectively?   81,with?   82,throughoud   83, test  2013年6月英语四级2卷答案 1???Teamwork?? 2.??really?? 3??modern?? 4.?society?? 5???cooperate?? 6.?spent?? 7.??study?? 8.??develop?? 9.???team?? 10.??playing?team? 听力? 11.C)?firstly?? 12.D)??enhance??? 13.C)??cooperation?? 14.B)?responsibility?? 15.A)??college?? 16.B)??competition?? 17.C)??each?? 18.A)??teamwork.?? 19.C)?socia?? 20.A)??developing?? 21.B)?rapidly?? 22.D)practice?? 23.C)?teamwork?? 24.B)?handle?? 25.A)??complicated??? 26.A)??things?? 27.B)???future?? 28.B)?the?team?sports?? 29.C)??lot?of?people?? 30.D)?friends?? 31.B)?Doining?in?team?? 32.C)?choice?? 33.B)?developing??? 34.B)???socia?? 35.A)?communication?? 36.C)??Generally?? 37.?)?attend?? 38.?)?attend?? 39.?)?contacts?? 40.?)?conductive?? 41.?)??progress?? 42?.)??future??? 43?.)??career??



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