对于城市火灾自动报警监控网络系统的探索 中英文对照分析.doc

对于城市火灾自动报警监控网络系统的探索 中英文对照分析.doc

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对于城市火灾自动报警监控网络系统的探索 中英文对照分析

对于城市火灾自动报警监控网络系统的探索 中英文对照 Exploration of the automatic alarm and monitoring network system of city fire control in English 随着中国的改革开放,在这十几年中,全国大中型城市的高层建筑、公共场所、地下建筑、现代化厂区等得到了高速发展。这些建筑根据消防规范都安装了独立的火灾报警系统。这 With Chinas reform and opening up, in the last ten years, the national large and medium-sized city high-rise buildings, underground buildings, public places, such as the modernization of the factory has got rapid development. These buildings according to the fire code are equipped with independent fire alarm system. This 些系统在防火救灾中起到了关键的功能,为保护人民的生命和财产作出了贡献。但在实际操作中,由于火警信息需经过保安值班人员的处理,人为的因素起到了关键的功能。如近期 Some system in a fire disaster plays a key function, make contribution to the protection of peoples lives and property. But in actual operation, because the fire information required to pass through the security personnel on duty of the processing, the human factor plays the key function. Such as the recent 上海地区闵行一仓库,由于个人的处理不当,延误了救火时间,酿成了大火,造成了重大经济损失。同时由于消防设施的日常维护和保养的要求较高,需常备不懈。平时的消防检查 Shanghai area Minhang warehouse, because of personal misconduct, delay the fire fighting time, causing the fire, causing major economic losses. At the same time, because of the high requirement of the fire protection facilities daily maintenance, should keep to the concept of all-time preparedness. The usual fire inspection 和监督由防火监督部门逐个建筑进行查访,效率较低,而且需大量的人力和时间,故难免有疏漏处。在城市规模不断发展的今天,世界上很多国家的大城市都对火灾自动报警设施采 And supervision by the fire supervision department one building visits, low efficiency, but also need a lot of manpower and time, so inevitably there are some problems. In the development of the city today, a large city in many countries in the world are on fire automatic alarm facilities. 取网络联网管理,通过多媒体管理微机,利用公共电话网及时了解各防火单位火灾自动报警系统运行状态、人员值班情况,发现报警设备的故障信息和火警预告。这样大大加强了对 The network management, through the multimedia computer management, using the public telephone networkpromptly understood each fire unit of automatic fire alarm system running status, personnel on duty, found that alarm equipmen


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