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浅谈中学生篮球队控球后卫的选材与培养 学号20091101050107密级_______________ 兰州城市学院本科毕业论文 浅谈中学生篮球队控球后卫的选材与培养 学 院 名 称: 体育学院 专 业 名 称: 体育教育 学 生 姓 名: 指 导 教 师: 教授 二○一三年五月 BACHELORS DEGREE THESIS OF LANZHOU CITY UNIVERSITY Discussed shallowly the middle-school student basketball team ball control fullback chooses only then and the raise College :Physical College Subject :Physical Education Name:LI li bing Directed by :Ou yang lin Professor May 2013 摘 要 后卫队员是临场比赛的组织者和指挥者,是比赛的核心队员,承担着组织全队进攻和防守的任务。后卫线是渭源一中篮球队最薄弱的一个环节,无论是在个人进攻还是组织全队攻防上,渭源一中篮球队的后卫都与其它学校后卫有明显差距,出现“后卫荒”现象。通过调查,访谈和文献资料研究,发现渭源一中篮球队在选材上单纯强调身高,忽视了那些身高矮的后卫技术好的学生,在选材中很多优秀的控球后卫都被拒之门外,为什么非校队的技术好的队员进不了校队,笔者认为完全是选材的问题。在对后卫训练上,也存在训练内容单一的问题。本文从中学生身心体征发展规律和篮球技术特点进行分析,并提出篮球后卫选材和培养训练方面的建议,供渭源一中篮球组成员进行参考。 关键词:篮球后卫;选材;培养 ABSTRACT The fullback member is the being on site competition organizer and the captain, is the competition core member, undertakes is organizing the entire team attack and the defensive duty.The fullback line is my school basketball team weakest link, regardless of is organizes in the entire team attack and defense in individual attack.My teams fullbacks all have the obvious disparity with the strong team fullbacks.The appearance “the fullback uncultivated land” the phenomenon, through the investigation, the interview and the literature material research, can not but say is my school basketball in the selection the pure emphasis height result.Are very many in the selection the outstanding ball control fullbacks all to keep them out, why couldnt the non-school teams technical good members enter the school team, was completely the selection question.In trains to the fullback on, training content sole result.This article car


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