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浅析“微博”的发展与网络营销价值毕业论文 摘要 自2006年微博在美国诞生后,它就不断创造着奇迹,现在微博已经引领潮流,趋于年轻化,博客却趋于老龄化。而2007年中国开始引入微博,在其中经历了两次浪潮,2009年才全面流行,开始了爆发式的增长,新浪率先抓住机遇,利用名人效应,网络了大部分的明星、媒体人士、企业高管,吸引了大量的用户注册,目前新浪微博居于领先地位,是目前国内第一微博产品。微博是多种通讯类产品的集成,继承了大多数通讯类产品的优点,它以其低门槛性、随时性、快速传播性和高互动性等特点,迎合了人们的快节奏的工作生活方式,迅速成为人们的宠儿。而商家也将眼光投向微博,利用微博进行互动营销,尽管微博营销目前不是很成熟,存在着这样那样的缺陷,但是应经有不少企业取得了不错的收获。 关键词:微博;发展;网络;互动;营销 On the MicrobloggingDevelopment and Internet Marketing Value Abstract Since the micro-Bo in the United States in 2006 after the birth, it has continued to create a miracle, and now micro-Bo has been leading the trend, tends to younger, they tend to aging blog. In 2007 China began to introduce micro-Bo, which has experienced two waves in 2009, only a comprehensive fashion, started the explosive growth, SINA first to seize the opportunity, the use of celebrity, the network most of the stars, media personalities, executives, attracting a large number of user registration, the current leading position Sina microblogging, microblogging is the first product. Micro-Bo is the integration of a variety of communications products, inherited most of the advantages of communications products, with its low threshold of, at any time, fast propagation and highly interactive features, to meet peoples fast-paced work life way, and quickly became the darling of the people. The businesses will also be paying attention to it, and use of microblogging for interactive marketing, although marketing microblogging is not very mature now, as the existence of such defects, but there are many companies should be made by a good harvestKeywords: microblogging; development; network; interaction; marketing 目 录 前 言 1 一、微博简介 1 一微博定义 1 二微博与博客的区别 1 1.从内容形式上面比较 1 2.从传播方式上面比较 2 3. 从即时互动性上面比较 2 三微博的特点 2 1.门槛较低 2 2.裂变式传播方


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