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毕业设计(论文)外文翻译 课题名称: 延边特产“海兰江苹果梨”的个性化包装设计 专 业: 包装工程 姓 名: 董开桥 班级学号: 05 指导教师: 秦静 二○一一 年 四 月 六 日 Green Packaging ENVIRONMENT-FRIENDLY products are likely to find increasing favor as environmental awareness and sustainability are increasingly linked to health, organic and natural foods and beverages. Products will be scrutinized for sustainable materials and packaging. In fact, the most recent Pira survey of the World Packaging Organization membership ranks health awareness as the single most important driver to growth in the packaging industry with 63.6% of its membership rating this factor as very important. ???????? ????????There can be no discrepancy in the minds of ecologically conscious consumers between the contents of a natural or organic product and its packaging. With the perceived effects of global warming so patently real in recent years ?the tsunami in 2004, long-term drought in Australia and parts of Africa, for instance ?a growing number of individuals are doing more to reduce their own carbon footprint. This includes making conscious choices that can reduce their impact on the environment like buying as many products packaged only in biodegradable or recyclable materials. ???????? ???????The influence of the supply chain also cannot be underestimated. In recent years, there has been a shift in power in the supply chain. It used to be that manufacturer called the shots, but these days, supermarket chains are using their power in the chain to influence how food products get to the shelves. One obvious example is the retailing giant, Wal-Mart, whose packaging sustainability scorecard for its product suppliers to make their packaging more sustainable has been influential in driving changes in the packaging industry. ???Using Less, Saving More ???????? ????????ONE OF THE MOST FREQUENTLY employed tactics to shrink a products envir


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