汽车行业顾问式营销论文 - 浅析比亚迪的顾问式销售策略_精品.doc

汽车行业顾问式营销论文 - 浅析比亚迪的顾问式销售策略_精品.doc

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汽车行业顾问式营销论文 - 浅析比亚迪的顾问式销售策略_精品

浅析比亚迪的顾问式销售策略 ANALYSIS OF THE CONSULTATIVE SELLING STRATEGY OF BYD 浅析比亚迪顾问式销售策略 摘要 在中国经济快速发展的大背景下,国家各项政策刺激使得我国汽车市场异常火爆,目前我国已成为世界第一大汽车生产国,但现阶段我国汽车市场还不够完善,自主品牌汽车在许多方的有待提高。国内自主品牌汽车企业如何迎接挑战把握机遇成为一大课题。目前顾问式销售在各行业中都得到广泛的推崇应用,顾问式销售相对于传统的销售模式给汽车行业带来了更多先进的理念,有助于企业来提升自身的服务质量和品牌形象,增强自身的竞争力。比亚迪作为汽车行业的后起之秀,适时在公司实行顾问式销售策略。本文以我在大学期间学习的市场营销专业知识为基础,结合我在比亚迪汽车销售公司的实习过程中对比亚迪顾问式销售此恶劣的学习了解,在参考国内外大量关于汽车销售方面的文献的准备下,分析我国汽车市场的现状,以及比亚迪在目前实施顾问式销售策略的可行性,在浅析比亚迪顾问式销售策略的同时提出一些意见,希望可以对比亚迪股份公司有所帮助。 关键词:汽车市场,比亚迪汽车,顾问式销售 ANALYSIS OF THE CONSULTATIVE SELLING STRATEGY OF BYD In the background of Chinese rapid economic development, national policies to stimulate the car market in our countrys extremely strong, our country has become the worlds largest automobile consumer market, but at this stage in China auto market is still not perfect, its own brand cars to be improved in a number of parties. Own brand of domestic auto companies to meet the challenges and grasp the opportunity to become a major issue. The current consultant-type sales in the industry have been widely praised Ying Yong, consultation and sales compared with the traditional sales model to the automobile industry a more advanced concepts, will help enterprises to improve their service quality and brand image, and enhance their own competitiveness. BYD auto industry as a rising star, timely implementation of consultative selling in the company strategy. In this paper, I study in college marketing expertise, combined with the BYD car sales company in my internship during the course of BYD consultative selling this bad learning to understand, in reference to domestic and international aspects of a large number of car sales Document preparation, the analysis of the status of the automotive market, and BYD in the current implementation of the consultative selling strategy is feasible, in BYD consultative selling strategies of the same time to make some comments in the hope of the stock company BYD help. Key words: Auto market,BYD


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