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淮 北 师 范 大 学 学士学位论文Instructional Design on Judging Theorem of Circle Tangent (School of Mathematical science, Huaibei Normal University, huaibei, 235000) Abstract In this paper, we point out the key difficulties in the teaching design, giving the tangent to a circle of the background, guiding the students from the examples of the life, so that the whole teaching process is with interest. This paper is to guide the students to learn to live with the knowledge of mathematics, to learn the flexible use of the knowledge, to find problems and solve problems, such as: what do people find tangent to a circle? Does learning circle tangent have anything to do with our lives? How to judge a line is tangent to a circle? We will in the teaching design for the students to solve the mathematical problems, to recognize the circle tangent and other relevant properties, teaching the students to transform thought ability ,analysis ability and comprehensive ability of using the knowledge, but in the study of high school students will ignore the process of knowledge formation, flexible use and influence character by environment more talk without knowledge, not the theories contact actual, ignoring the contradictions of subjective and objective. So it is very important to solve these problems in this design teaching. Key words: Tangent, guide, method, interest, thought 目录 一、问题的提出 1 二、对本教学设计现状的分析 2 (一)理解圆的切线的判定定理 3 (二)掌握切线的判定方法 3 三、我的教学设计(导学课) 4 四、简单的总结 9 参考文献 13 致谢 14 引言 在我国,随着数学课程改革,发现问题,解决问题已经成为中小学教师研究的焦点。如何让数学变得有趣味,并且和其他学科融会贯通,启发学生的创新发散思维是我们教师需要认真思考的一大课题。如何把学习内容与生活知识联系起来,由实物到图形,由表象到抽象,层层递进。由《圆的切线判定定理教学设计》研究这个课题我们可以更好诠释利用生活的实例并且做到对圆所有知识点完整的剖析。把生活中熟悉的生活背景引入到课堂中,虽然这些知识对于一个初中学生有些许难度,但是还是非常值得去深入研究,让学生体验数学无穷的魅力。同时教会学生思考圆的切线是怎么发现的到底与我们有什么关系,发现数学美是我们探究本课题终极目的,而不是单纯的所谓记住结论,会解决简单的课后练习题,而对生活的知识还是一问三不知,这也许是中国初中小学生得一些弊端。 从本课题逐渐引导,层层深入,授之以鱼不如授之以渔,发现数学思想,彰显有价值的教学。通过此课题的深入研究,对圆的切线判定定理有更加深入的了解,了解它的证明过程以及与实际生活相结合的例子。总之要在这个课题上做出更完美的证明与思路剖析,还需要有待进一步的研究和探讨。 下面开始具体圆的切线的判定定理的教学设计。 一、问题的提出 直线是解析几何中的灵魂,而圆是解析


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