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摘 要 如今互联网金融已经发展壮大,电子商务行业的飞速发展已经逐渐影响了居民们的消费习惯,越来越多的消费者都热衷于网上购物,而导致这一变化发生的重要原因之一就是第三方支付的诞生,其中最成功、最普及、最具有代表性的就是阿里巴巴旗下的支付宝。支付宝经过多年的“摸爬滚打”已经成功壮大其队伍,为电子商务领域提供了极大的便利条件。同时对中国传统金融业来说也带来了新的挑战。可是其日益凸显的变革创新与支付解决方案的服务意识也的确逐渐对商业银行的网络银行乃至传统银行业产生了重大的影响。 本文着重对支付宝对银行业产生的影响以及双方合作竞争的关系进行探究。互联网金融作为依托互联网发展起来的新型金融领域,如果我们将整个社会经济比作一个生态系统,那么,找到并解决互联网金融与传统金融的矛盾根源寻找共赢机制,则成为保证该生态系统健康发展的关键。所以以互联网金融的代表性产品——支付宝为例,来介绍对银行业产生的影响有多大。同时,双方还可以联手建立合作平台,实现合作共赢,互利双赢的繁荣经济景象。 因此本文将以支付宝为例,从衍生品框架出发,对应不同产品分析其与 商业银行之间的矛盾并提出相关建议。 关键词:支付宝;商业银行;互联网金融;影响 ABSTRACT Nowadays Internet finance has been developing, the rapid development of e-commerce industry has gradually affected the residents consumption habits, more and more consumers are keen on shopping online, and cause the change of one of the important reasons is the birth of the third party payment, one of the most successful, the most popular, the most representative is alibabas alipay. Pay treasure after years of practice has been successfully expand its team, for the e-commerce provides great convenience. At the same time for traditional Chinese financial industry has brought new challenges. But its growing innovation and payment solutions service consciousness has gradually to the commercial bank network bank and traditional Banks had a significant effect. In this paper to pay treasure to the impact of the banking sector and to explore the relationship between the cooperation competition. Internet financial as a new financial field developed relying on the Internet, if we compare the whole social economy to an ecosystem, then, to find and solve the contradiction between Internet financial and traditional financial source for win-win mechanism, then becomes the key to guarantee the healthy development of the ecological system. So in the representation of the Internet financial products - pay treasure, for example, how to introduce to the impact of the banking sector. At the same time, the two sides can also join a cooperation platform, and realize the w


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