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三相桥式控整流电路的设计 摘 要 整流电路尤其是三相桥式控整流电路是电力电子技术中最为重要,也是应用得最为广泛的电路,不仅应用于一般工业领域,也广泛应用于交通运输、电力系统、通信系统、能源系统及其他领域。三相控整流电路中应用最多的是三相桥式控整流电路。这次设计主要对三相桥式整流电路进行研究,研究其及其产生的波形。在理解三相桥式整流电路工作原理的基础上,设计出合理的三相桥式整流电路的触发电路,较好的实现整流的功能。触发电路设计方面 关键词:整流电路;触发电路;移相触发脉冲 Three-Phase Bridge Controlled Rectifier Circuit Design Research And Trigger Circuit Abstract Rectifier circuit is an important power electronics technology and three-phase bridge rectifier circuit which is controlled is the most important .It is used widely in the circuit, not only applies to general industry, also widely used in transportation, power systems, communications systems, energy systems and other areas. Three-phase controlled rectifier circuit is the most widely used three-phase bridge controlled rectifier circuit. The design of the main three-phase bridge rectifier circuit research, to study the working principle and the resulting waveform.Three-phase bridge rectifier circuit in understanding the basis of the principle design a reasonable three-phase bridge rectifier circuit of trigger circuit, the better to achieve rectification function. Trigger circuit design mainly adopts single-chip microcomputer control, SCM control thyristor rectifier circuit is essentially through the controller and the realization of trigger pulse, so the single chip microcomputer controlled by for the components of the microcomputer control. Because single chip microcomputer high level of integration, the function is all ready, the price is low, so use it silicon controlled rectifier circuit control three-phase is one of the ideal method Keywords: Rectifier circuit;Trigger circuit;Change appearance trigger pulse ;Mcu Control 一 绪论 1.1的目的 整流电路可将交流电源变换成直流电源。将从发电机端或交流励磁机端获得的交流电压变换成直流电压,供给发电机转子励磁绕组或励磁机磁场绕组的励磁需要,这是同步发电机半导体励磁系统中整流电路的主要任务。对于接在发电机转子励磁回路中的三相桥式控整流电路,除了将交流变换成直流的正常任务外,还可以将储存在转子磁场中的能量,经控桥迅速反馈给交流电源进行将直流变换成交流的逆变灭磁。 三相控整流电路的整流负载容量较大,输出直流电压脉动较小,是目前应用最为广泛的整流电路。 本次设计为更好的实现各行各业对整流电路的需求,在充分了解整流主电路的基础上,设计出性能优良的触发电路,以产生出更加精密的波形,以实现各种电路对整流电路的要求。 1.设


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