翻译理论与实践translation studies and practice_精品.ppt

翻译理论与实践translation studies and practice_精品.ppt

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翻译理论与实践translation studies and practice_精品

* 第一单元模拟试题 B.汉译英 “你去当吧!你去当吧,我不去!” “好,我去,我就愿意进当铺,进当铺我一点也不怕,理直气壮。” 新做起来的我的棉袍,一次还没有穿,就跟着我进当铺去了!在当铺门口稍微徘徊了一下,想起出门时郎华要的价目——非两元不当。 包袱送到柜台上,我是仰着脸,伸着腰,用脚尖站起来送上去的,真不晓得当铺为什么摆起这么高的柜台! 那戴帽头的人翻着衣裳看,还不等他问,我就说了: “两块钱。” 1 * * The Characteristics of the English Language In English there are two particular words, which are widely used They are “it” and “there”. They are variously called introductory words or expletives. When thus used, they are practically meaningless by themselves Their function in the sentence forms one of the characteristic features in English syntax. Various Uses of the Expletive “IT” The word “it” is one of the personal pronouns, denoting inanimate things in the singular number. But it is not so limited in use, on the contrary, t is much used in many other ways. Generally speaking “it” as an expletive shows: 1) impersonal sense; 2) anticipatory idea; 3) demonstrative force; 4) idiomatic use. 1 * The Characteristics of the English Language Impersonal “IT” The impersonal “it” is used in sentences denoting: a) Natural phenomena: It is fine today How cold it is ! b) Time: What time is it now? It is too late. c) Distance: How far is it here to the Square? It is about three kilometers. d) State of things in general: How is it with the sick man? It is all over with him Portia feared it would go hard with Antonio 1 * The Characteristics of the English Language Anticipatory “It” a) An infinitive as subject: It is a great joy to live in the countryside. It is difficult to translate a passage adequately. b) A gerund as subject: It is no use going there so early. It is no use arguing with him c) A clause as subject: It is a true saying that time and tide wait for no man It takes 28 hours that we travel from the earth to the moon. 1 * The Characteristics of the English Language Demonstrative “it” Who did it for you? It was


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