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2015厦?门市初中毕?业及高中阶?段各类学校?招生考试 英语(满分:150分 考试时间:120分钟?).Liste?n and choos?e the right? pictu?res B .Liste?n to some short? dialo?gues and choos?e the right? answe?rs to the quest?ions you hear. (听简短对话?,然后挑选最?佳答案回答?所听到的问?题。听两遍) 5. A. Eric. B. Brown?. C. Zhang?. 6. A. Choco?late cooki?es. B. Lemon? pies. C. Straw?berry? cakes?. 7. A. Class?mates?. B. Mothe?r and son. C. Teach?er and stude?nt. 8. A. Very inter?estin?g. B. Quite? simpl?e. C. Too borin?g. 9. A. Probl?em and advic?e. B. Perso?nal infor?matio?n. C. Schoo?l life. 10. A. Marti?n Luthe?r King. B. Thoma?s Ediso?n. C. Mothe?r Teres?a. III. Liste?n to a long dialo?gue and a passa?ge,then choos?e the right? answe?rs to quest?ions I1-16. (听一篇较长?对话和一篇?短文,然后选择正?确答案作答?11一16?小题。听两遍) Text A 11.The man would? proba?bly be a · A. teach?er B. repor?ter C. polic?eman 12. The ladys T-shirt? was . A. black? B. brown? C. red 13.The man colle?cts the ladys infor?matio?n becau?se he wants? to her. A. inter?view B. catch? C. prais?e Text B 14. Steve? worke?d in a A. hotel? B. cinem?a C. resta?urant? 15.Many peopl?e asked? Steve? about? the every? day. A. way B. city C. time 16. Steve? put up a on the wall. A. minor? B. clock? C. pictu?re 注意:请将该题的?答案书写在?答题卡的第?二部分 IV. Liste?n to a passa?ge,then fill in the blank?s with the right? words?. (听一篇短文?,用恰当的单?词填空完成?62-65小题,每空一词。听三遍) (二)基础知识与?运用 (每小题1.5分,共30分) V.选择填空:从A、B、C中,选出一个最?佳答案完成?句子 17. -- Could? you pleas?e tell me how to prono?unce the word k-n-o-w-l-e-d-g-e? -- Yes, It’s ____. A. [?n?l??d?] B. [?n??l??d?] C. [n?l?d??] 18. -- Jenny?, how nice the skirt? looks? on you! -- ____. A. Well, not good enoug?h B. I bough?t it yeste?rday C. Thank?s a lot. 19. Jeff will come to under?stand? you one day. It’s a matte?r of ____ . A. pleas?ure B. value? C. time 20. -- Lily, what kind of museu?ms do you like? -- I like museu?ms ____ can provi?de visit?ors wit


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