the secret garden秘密花园分析.ppt

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the secret garden秘密花园分析

* THE SECRET GARDEN 秘密花園 Professor : 楊蕙郁 Class:專二技應英四甲 Team Members : 鄭巧君 797C0019 江明修 797C0021 盧文玲 797C0030 吳甄華 797C0043 莊岳翰 797C0037 * Author Introduction Frances Bennett was born in England in 1849, after the death of his father failed in business, then as the mother emigrated to the U.S., surrendered to his uncle, but unfortunately uncles environment is not good, so young girls can work to earn money to help his family time. She began to write short articles from 13 years old, submissions from 16 years old, many of her works have been published, mostly addressed to young people, teenage readers, but since the publication of this secret garden has repeatedly been adapted for the stage performances or onto the screen, well received by everyones favorite and certainty. * Story This story is to describe an arrogant self-willed girl, due to the aftermath of drastic changes in throwing in his lot after his uncle, accidentally discovered a secret garden. Then, her life changed. Not only learn to take care of plants, but also learn how to care for others. She and Dick touch and genuine friendship, but also helped a long plagued by illness, temperament pessimistic strange boy, Colin, so he became an active and healthy boy. Ultimately untie the knot of his uncle, the three become a real family. * Comparison of two translators 寫作主題: 秘密花園中譯本評析 A Commentary on the Chinese Translations of The Secret Garden 寫作主旨:比較兩位翻譯的特色 書名: 秘密花園 THE SECRET GARDEN 原作者:法蘭西斯.霍金森.柏內特(美國人) Frances Hodgson Burnett(American) 出版社 台灣東方出版社股份有限公司 聯廣圖書股份公司 翻譯家 劉惠媛 聯廣圖書公司編輯部 寫作風格 用詞簡單易讀,沒有深澀的字彙,明白易懂。 適合青少年閱讀,善於自然風景描寫。 技巧 與原文較相似,比較敢刪﹑敢加﹑敢改 可直譯的地方就直譯,不可直譯就意譯 用詞特色 使用較多的成語來表達意境。 對於環境的述敍生動,用詞優美。 優點 Good Ponits 詞句簡單,沒有繁複的綴詞,適合6-12歲的兒童。 用詞簡單,適合10-15歳的讀者閱讀。 * Comparison of two translators 缺點 Bad Points 語尾助詞太多,能再精簡一點會更好。 故事人物情緒的述敍不夠深刻。 例句原文 English Sentence What an ugly little girl she is。 And we heard that her mother was beautiful。 中文翻譯 Chinese Sentence 這個小丫頭長得可真不討人喜歡。聽說她母親是個大美人。 這小傢伙怎麼這麼不討人喜歡。傳說她母親非


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