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工厂供电课程设计 某冶金机械修造厂总降压变电所 及高压配电系统 设计说明书 某冶金机械修造厂总降压变电所及高压配电系统 摘 要 工业企业供电,就是指工厂所需电能的供应和分配问题。众所周知,电能是现代 工业生产的主要能源和动力。电能既易于由其他形式的能量转换而来,又易于转换为 其他形式的能量,它的输送和分配既简单经济,又便于控制、调节和测量,又利于实现 生产过程自动化,因此,电能在现代工业生产及整个国民经济生活中应用极为广泛。 从而搞好工业企业供电工作 于整个工业生产发展,实现工业现代化具有十分重要的 意义。工厂供电设计是整个工厂设计的重要组成部分,工厂供电设计的质量影响到工 厂的和生产及其发展,作为从事工厂供电工作的人员,有必要了解和掌握工厂供电设 计的有关知识,以便适应设计工作的需要。 本设计是 冶金机械厂总降压变电所及高压配电系统设计,本设计的理论基础是 《供电技术》,并通过太原重型机械厂供电系统的实地参观学习,收集各种数据,按照 国家标准《工业与民用供电配电系统设计规范》,并且遵循着:从全局出发,统筹兼顾, 按照负荷性质,用电容量,工程特点和地区供电条件的理念,合理选择设计方案。从节 约资源的角度出发“以铝代铜”在本次设计中也得到充分体现。 关键词 供电技术;配电线路;变电所;继电保护;出线保护 2 Metallurgical Machinery General Factory built in a step-down substation and high voltage distribution system Abstract Industrial enterprises in power, means power plants needed to supply and distribution. As we all know, electricity is the main energy of modern industrial production and power. Power is easy to convert from other forms of energy from, and easy conversion to other forms of energy, its transmission and distribution is simple and economic, and easy to control, regulation and measurement, but also conducive to the production process automation, therefore, power in modern industrial production and life of the entire national economy is extensively used. Industrial enterprises to improve power supply work for the entire development of industrial production, modernization of industrial importance. Power plant design is the important part of plant design, plant design quality of power supply to the plant and affect the production and development, as in power plant staff, it is necessary to understand and master the power plant design knowledge in order to meet the design requirements.


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