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摘 要 在迅猛的科技发展带动下,社会的方方面面,各行各业的变化日新月异。尽管科学技术的大幅度飞跃,但是,安全隐患依然存在,事故意外仍然无法避免。在突然停电的情况下,为了保障人民的生命财产安全,将损失降到最低,应急灯是不可或缺的设施。再加上现在城市人口密集度越来越稠密,楼层建筑越来越高,在突然断电的情况下,尤其是夜晚,提供照明是一个很重要与现实的问题。因此,对应急照明提出了更高的要求。 目前,市面上的应急灯大多数是断电就亮,这对现在全球资源日益紧张的现状并不相符。本文所设计的LED应急灯在节能方面有了很大改进。首先,本文所设计的应急灯不光是从停电的角度考虑应急灯发光的工作条件,同时还结合了停电当时的外界光亮度,比如在明亮的白天,当停电后,应急灯不会自动采取应急照明,这样大大节约了能源;其次,本次设计的应急灯,光源采用了当今赫赫有名的绿色环保光源——发光二极管,凭借其高亮度、发热低、寿命长、耗电量低、环保等一系列优势,在照明领域已经占有了相当大的席位,在未来,它的地位会越来越高,涉及的领域会越来越广。此外,在应急灯控制上,本文采用了IC集成电子电路,使得应急灯的可靠性得到提高,成本也有所降低。 关键词:发光二极管;应急灯;控制电路;照明 Abstract With the swift technological progress leading, all kinds of the society, various trades and occupations changes day and night. Although science and technology have largely leaped, but the danger which is hidden still exists. The accident is still avoidless. In the situation of power cut suddenly, to safeguard peoples personal safety and property, to lose less, the emergency light is the indispensable facility. Now, urban population has been being more and more denseness, the construction has been higher and higher. In the case that the power is lost at night, providing the illumination is particularly is very important, which is a reality question. Therefore, the emergency lighting is set a higher request. At present, most emergency lights in the market run to light when losing the power. Is does not fit for the present that the whole world resources are tense day by day. The LED emergency light designed in this article has a very good improvement in the energy economy. First, the emergency light’s working condition in this article has been changed. Meanwhile, it combines the power cut with obscuration. For instance, in the bright daytime, when the power is cut, the emergency light do not adopt the emergency lighting automatically, saving the energy greatly; Next, this emergency light uses the green lamp----led. Depending on its high luminance, creating less heat, long working life low, consumption, the environmental p


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