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煤矿瓦斯抽采设计 摘要:随着煤矿开采深度的增加,矿井瓦斯问题日益严重。特别是对于高瓦斯矿井和突出矿井,日常生产过程中的最大安全隐患就是瓦斯事故。瓦斯问题不仅直接威胁着矿井工作人员的生命安全,而且间接制约着煤矿企业经济效益的增长。因此,如何能有效遏制瓦斯事故的频繁发生,现已成为制约国家煤炭行业可持续发展的一个关键性问题。 目前,在高瓦斯矿井中应用较为普遍的为瓦斯采抽采技术,它采用上下顺槽打顺层平行钻孔预抽、高位钻孔抽放和采空区埋管抽放、上隅角抽放相结合的瓦斯抽放方法,可以有效将煤层瓦斯含量降低到安全指标以下,从而可以对工作面进行安全回采。 根据华泰煤矿现有的各项地质资料以及矿井瓦斯状况,该矿井可以而且必须进行瓦斯抽采工作。因此,本设计针对这一条件,对该矿井进行瓦斯抽采设计,从而使得该矿井的瓦斯治理工作能够得到科学管理,生产工作能够达到安全高效的水平。 关键词:高瓦斯矿井;瓦斯抽采;顺层平行钻孔;高位钻孔;上隅角抽 The Gas Drainage Design Abstract:As the increase of mining depth of the coal mines, the mine gas problem has been more and more serious. The gas accident is the maximum security in the course of daily production, especially for the high gas mine and outburst mine. It not only threatens the coal mine staffs’ life satety, but also restricts the growth of the coal mine enterprise’s economic benefits. Therefore, it has been a key problem that restricts the coal industry’s sustainable development of the state that how we can contain the frequent occurrence of the gas accidents effectively. At present, the gas drainage technology has been widely applicated relatively in high gas mine, which includes beating parallel hole drilled along seam in the under and lower crossheadings to pre-pump, beating highlyloacted holes to pre-pump and discharge, burying tubes to pump in the goaf and drainaging in the upper corner. The combination of these methods can reduce the gas content in the coal seam under the safety index so that we can mining safely in the working face. We can and must drainaning gas in Hua Tai coal basing on the existing coal geological information and the mine gas condition. Therefore, this design conducts the gas drainage design on the coal mine according to this condition to make the coal mine gas controlling work to get a scientific management and make the production work to achieve a safe and efficient level. Keywords:high gas mine; gas drainage; parallel hole drilled along seam; highlylocated hole; drainaging in the upper corner 目 录 1 引 言 1 1.1



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