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摘  要 本文主要介绍了在汽车维修行业中,为了提高汽车维修的效率,对其所用到的液压同步升降平台系统的研究和设计。该设计主要通过理论设计的研究进行液压同步系统的设计、升降平台机械结构的设计以及液压升降平台的电气控制部分的设计。为了满足升降平台在汽车维修中所能够实现的同步精度和实现两前轮、两后轮、两左轮、两右轮及汽车整体分别实现同步升降一定的功能要求,该系统在液压系统的设计采用的是电液比例方向阀,通过位移检测,利用西门子PLC的PID控制,稳定快速的消除升降缸的位移差值来控制电液比例阀的开口大小,并通过一定的液压系统和机械系统实现升降平台四缸的相应功能和同步精度。为了保证液压升降系统的特殊功能,液压系统还采用了分流集流阀的特殊忧点,来实现一定精度的两缸同步升降。本次设计的机械结构完全采用的是Pro/E三维软件进行建模,通过三维机械结构造型的设计,体现了三维设计建模的优点,使得机械结构更为直观。液压系统部分通过重力的动力提供,在下降时是通过蓄能器提供的压力,使得液控单向阀接通油路,直接利用重力实现平台的下降,实现了节能的效果。 关键词:液压同步升降平台;Pro/E三维建模;电液比例控制;PLC Abstract In this paper, in order to improve the efficiency of vehicle maintenance in the automotive repair industry, the use of its hydraulic system of synchronous lifting platform and design. The design is mainly conducted through the theoretical design of the hydraulic synchronization system design, mechanical structure design of lifting platform and hydraulic lift platform, electrical control design. In order to meet the lifting platform in the automotive repair can be achieved in the realization of synchronization accuracy and the two front, two rear, two revolvers, two-wheel vehicles and the right to synchronize the whole were down certain functional requirements, the system used in the hydraulic system design the electro-hydraulic proportional directional control valve, through the displacement detection, the use of Siemens PLC, PID control, a steady and rapid elimination of the difference between lifting cylinder displacement hydraulic proportional valve to control the size of the opening, and through some of the hydraulic system and mechanical systems to achieve lift The corresponding four-cylinder platform features and sync accuracy. In order to ensure that the special features of hydraulic lift system, hydraulic system also uses a shunt valve set point of the special concern to achieve a certain precision of synchronized movements of the two cylinders. The design of the mechanical structure is fully implemented Pro / E three-dimensional software for modeling, th


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