老友记 六人行 第十季第十七集和第十八集经典笔记_精品.doc

老友记 六人行 第十季第十七集和第十八集经典笔记_精品.doc

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老友记 六人行 第十季第十七集和第十八集经典笔记_精品

The Last One 1017 大结局(一) 瑞秋和罗斯过夜后,罗斯决定和瑞秋厮守,不料瑞秋却将这一夜看作最好的告别方式。 莫妮卡和钱德在产房陪伴埃里卡,埃里卡产下双胞胎。 乔伊买回新的小鸡小鸭恭贺莫妮卡和钱德乔迁之喜。 阿甘向瑞秋表白。 10.17 The Last One, part 1 Ross and Rachel spend part of the night together, their kiss having led to more. Ross decides he wants to be with Rachel, but she views their night together as the perfect way to say goodbye. Monica and Chandler coach Erica through delivery(n.分娩) at the hospital, and all are surprised when she delivers twins. Joey buys a new chick and duck as a house-warming gift for Chandler and Monica, the previous pair having gone to that special farm for old birds. Gunther confesses his love to Rachel. 1018 大结局(二) 菲比陪罗斯飞车赶往机场向瑞秋表白,却搞错了机场。 乔伊的小鸡小鸭钻到足球桌里,不劈开桌子就救不出来。 菲比和罗斯终于追上瑞秋,但覆水难收,罗斯对瑞秋的倾诉终于没能将她挽留。 罗斯失魂落魄的回家,几分钟后…… 10.18 The Last One, part 2 Ross and Phoebe race to JFK airport so Ross can tell Rachel how he really feels. Once there, they realize Rachel is at Newark airport. Joeys Chick Jr. and Duck Jr. escape from their box and get stuck inside the foosball table; It has to be torn apart to get them out. Ross and Phoebe get to Newark airport just before Rachel departs. Ross pours out(v.倾诉) his heart to her, but she leaves anyway. Ross arrives home; A few minutes later, Rachel shows up, having realized she loves him, too. [Scene: Monica and Chandlers apartment. Phoebe and Joey are packing.] Phoebe:You know, Monicas gonna freak if every box isnt labeled. Joey:Youre right. Yeah. Okay.Box of crap.Wow, its wild. When Monica and Chandler come back here,they are gonna have a baby. A baby! Phoebe:I know. Oh, wait, Ross doesnt know the babys coming. Should we call him and tell him? Joey:I dont know. Rachels over there yelling at him. Poor guy. I would not wanna be him right now. [Cut to Rosss apartment. Ross and Rachel are there] Rachel:Wait. Wait. Should we be doing this? Ross:I dont know. Rachel:Its probably not a really good idea. Ross:ProbabIy not. Rachel:Well, that never stopped us before. Ross:No, sir!(they kiss agai


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