C语言赞歌Write in C.docVIP

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C语言赞歌Write in C

WRITE IN C (sung to The Beatles Let it Be) 用C写吧 (一首仿Beatles歌《Lets it Be》) English version by Omri Weisman, 中文版 by xcxin ?? When I find my code in tons of trouble,?? Friends and colleagues come to me,?? Speaking words of wisdom:?? Write in C. 每当我发现我的代码中充斥着错误, 朋友和同伴们就来到我身边, 带着富有智慧的说辞: “用C写吧。” ?? ?? As the deadline fast approaches,?? And bugs are all that I can see,?? Somewhere, someone whispers?? Write in C. 项目交付期一天天逼近, 但是我仍能发现太多Bugs, 某个地方有个人悄悄对我说: “用C写吧。” ?? ?? Write in C, write in C,?? Write in C, write in C.?? LISP is dead and buried,?? Write in C. 用C写吧,用C写吧, 用C写吧,用C写吧, LISP早就被历史埋葬! 用C写吧。 ?? I used to write a lot of FORTRAN,?? for science it worked flawlessly.?? Try using it for graphics!?? Write in C. 我曾经写过大量的Fortran程序, 科研应用一直很OK, 但是试试图形的东东? 用C写吧。 ?? ?? If youve just spent nearly 30 hours?? Debugging some assembly,?? Soon you will be glad to?? Write in C. 如果你已经花费掉30小时, 全部都在你的汇编中捉虫, 不久你会发现, 用C写吧。 ?? ?? Write in C, write in C,?? Write In C, yeah, write in C.?? Only wimps use BASIC.?? Write in C. 用C写吧,用C写吧, 用C写吧,yeah,用C写吧。 只有白痴才用BASIC。 用C写吧 ?? ?? Write in C, write in C,?? Write in C, oh, write in C.?? Pascal wont quite cut it.?? Write in C. 用C写吧,用C写吧, 用C写吧,oh,用C写吧 Pascal永远也别想替代C, 用C写吧! ?? ?? Guitar Solo(吉他序曲) ?? ?? Write in C, write in C,?? Write in C, yeah, write in C.?? Dont even mention COBOL.?? Write in C. 用C写吧,用C写吧 用C写吧,yeah,用C写吧 管COBOL干什么!? 用C写吧。 ?? ?? And when the screen is fuzzy,?? And the edior is bugging me.?? Im sick of ones and zeroes.?? Write in C. 想想屏幕一片混乱, 想想编辑器里太多Bugs, 我就会感到不舒服, 用C写吧。 ?? ?? A thousand people people swear that T.P.?? Seven is the one for me.?? I hate the word PROCEDURE,?? Write in C. 太多的人们那,诅咒T.P.(注1) 我就是其中之一, 我憎恨PROCEDURE, 用C写吧。 ?? ?? Write in C, write in C,?? Write in C, yeah, write in C.?? PL1 is 80s,?? Write in C. 用C写吧。,用C写吧。 用C写吧。,yeah,用C写吧。 PL1是80年代的老货, 用C写吧。。 ?? ?? Write in C, write in C,?? Write in C, yeah, write in C.?? The government loves ADA,?? Write in C. 用C写吧,用


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