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* * 原位杂交 原理: 根据单链核酸片段能和经过标记的已知互补核酸链(探针)特异性结合的原理定位识别细胞内特异性 DNA 或 RNA 序列。 * digitoxin 荧光原位杂交术 hybridization * 原位杂交术(地高辛标记) * 细胞培养(cell culture) * 学习组织学应注意的问题: 1. 体内结构为立体的,三维的,而课本、讲义和显微镜下的结构均为平面的,二维的。 2. 学习组织学应注意静态与动态、理论与实践相结合。 * 单层立方上皮模式图 * 单层柱状上皮模式图 * 假复层纤毛柱状上皮模式图 * 复层扁平上皮模式图 * 变移上皮模式图(膀胱) * * 腺发生模式图 * 外分泌腺的形态分类 * 纤毛横切面超微结构模式图 * 大鼠输卵管上皮细胞纤毛电镜像 ×50000 左图 纤毛纵切, 右图 纤毛横切 * * 细胞连接 超微结构模式图 * 缝隙连接超微结构模式图 * 基膜超微结构模式图 * 上皮细胞基底面质膜内褶 超微结构模式图 * * * This process is involved in following stages: The first stage refer to as the meeting of sperm and ovum that we call it ‘fertilization’ The second stage is called ‘embryo’ that is from 3-8 weeks after fertilization The third stage is called fetus that is from 8-38 weeks after fertilization Afterwards, the development of human have been finished and waited for the childbirth Beside,some organs or some parts of human body may occur abnormal differentiation, that is what we called congenital malformation. * The other electron microscope is scanning electron microscope(SEM). This picture show the endothelium of splenic sinus. If we say that TEM help us to see the organelle structure inside cells, then, SEM can only help us to observe the surface structure of the cell. That is the difference between the two. Besides, the resolving power of SEM is less than TEM. * For example, if we want to know whether some specific neurons express enkephalin (a neurotransmitter), we can use both immunocytochemistry to detect ENK or use in situ hybridization to detect ENK gene. * This is the picture show the enkephalin expressing neurons in hypothalamus of rat. 组织学 与胚胎学 教学课件 浙江中医药大学 绪论(Introduction) I. 什么是组织学(Histology)? 组织学是研究人体正常细微结构及其相关功能的科学。 A. 微观结构: 1. 光学显微镜(Light microscope,LM): 计量单位是微米(μ m )。 (1 μ m =0.001 mm) 。 2. 电子显微镜(Electron microscope,EM): 计量单位是纳米(nm )。 (1 nm =0.001 μ m) 。 * B. 相关功能: 微观结构和其功能相适应,反之亦然。 C. 人体结构的4个层次: 1. 细胞(Cell): 人体结构的基本结构和功能单位。 2. 组织(Tissue): 由一群结构和功能相同或相似的细胞(及其细胞间质)



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