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1 The Literature of Colonial America殖民时期的美国文学
Eight books by Captain John Smith The Second Book: A Map Of Virginia: with a Description of the Country (1612) Another book General History of Virginia (1624) Pocahontas * Pocahontas (1995,motion picture): ? Animated Musical by Walt Disney Academy Award for Best Original Music and Best Song This film features the Indian princess singing the Broadway styled tune, “Colors of the Wind.” * Colors of the Wind《风中奇缘》主题曲《风之彩》 Think you own whatever land you land on Earth is just a dead thing you can claim But I know every rock and tree and creature Has a life, has a spirit, has a name Think the only people who are people Are the people who look and think like you But if you walk the footsteps of a stranger You learn things you never knew You never knew * 《风之彩》 你觉得你拥有你所驻足的每一方土地, 大地只不过是你能占有的死物。 但我知道每块石头、每棵树、每个生物,都有生命,有灵性,有名字。 你以为外表与思考方式与你同出一辙的才称之为人类, 但假如你跟随陌生人的脚步, 你就会有意想不到的收获。 the peaceful life of the American Indians before the arrival of the colonists Criticizing the colonists mentality * More movies 《最后的莫希干人》 《与狼共舞》 《西部风云史》 * Pocahontas, the daughter of Native American Chief Powhatan, helped maintain peace between the Native Americans and English colonists in early America. “Pocahontas was a?Virginia Indian?notable for her association with the colonial settlement at?Jamestown, Virginia. Pocahontas was the daughter of?Powhatan (A Native American Chief). In a well-known historical anecdote, she is said to have saved the life of an Indian captive, Englishman?John Smith in 1607 by placing her head upon his own when her father raised his war club to execute him. ” (From Wikipedia) * 3. American Puritanism 1. The new world 2. The puritan fathers 3. The puritan principles the doctrines of Calvinism: predestination, original sin and total depravity, and limited atonement through a special infusion of grace form God 4. Characteristics of American Puritanism: “a doctrinaire and opportunist”: practical idealist * Puritan
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